I M Chapter 36

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This strategy will decide the outcome. We currently have fought our way out of the city, while also drawing out the orcs.

We are just a 100 meters from the city. At the city's edge, we stationed the magicians on top of the roofs of buildings, so that they wouldn't be reached so easily.

The archers are with us, despite being archers, when they ran out of arrows they fought with knives and daggers. I'm impressed by their ability to quickly switch from ranged to melee, they are also really good at fighting at close range. If we ever manage to live I wish I could train with them, their ability at dodging attacks is so fluid and precise, are they secretly the thief/assassin class? Lol.

Our vanguards the remaining knights this time were outnumbered by the adventurers. They really took a beating on the frontlines, such a hazardous job... I wonder if they had hazard pay?

We numbered in the 270+ the enemy 2000+ Thankfully the orc legion were dumb enough to stay in formation because they had decreased in numbers, they are now spread out widely. They cover about 600 meters, but that's futile, as I can still get most of them.

I recommended the phalanx formation. The knights at the front, beside them, are adventurers using swords, daggers, axes etc and behind are the adventurers that used spears, pikes, and tridents. Ironically it was very effective "Thank you 300!" {1} I shouted.

Slowly the orc legion crept closer and closer. We took out those who were scattered that got too close and the magicians at the edge of town fired off their barrage, funny enough. Jose, was also participating, but why doesn't he use Meteor Storm? Is it because of old age? Anyway, I'm glad that he's helping us.

This time we had no magicians to cast on healing and support magic, so we had to be extra careful, but we brought a lot of potions with us.

I and Blake are just near each other at the front. Gosh it's so messy here, with blood splattering all over the blasted place... luckily there were no casualties.

Just a few meters more...

Then... we saw it. The orc king... charging with his trusty steed...

Thrice the height of the average orc, big bulging muscles that would put all the other orcs to shame. Proudly showing the battle scars all over its body. Riding an armored rhino and wielding a huge cleaver, the size of a tall man.

If I had a thing to say to what it looked like. It looked like the damn HULK!! {2}

"Well, shit..." [Angelica]

"Shit indeed..." [Blake]

I can see most of the guys trembling at the sight of it. It must have been a terrible foe... After seeing Mr.Hulk I immediately used the magic crystal, housing the spell ▪Meteor Storm▪ I heard that he likes targeting magicians, does he make an exception for girls? Maybe not...

With that, I lifted the fire-red crystal. It made a bright red glow, like being shone on by a spotlight on the lighthouse. After the red glow shot out into the sky, at the same time, the crystal broke with the sound of shattering glass. Let the magic begin!

The sky quickly turned dark, covering the rays of the sun. From there, hundreds of huge fireballs light up the sky as they fell, they didn't seem like meteorites though... more like projectiles coming from a fire catapult.

Anyway, the fireballs fell engulfing the field into a hellish inferno. The orc legion tries to scatter, but it was already too late. Screams of agony and the sound of fireballs roaring then exploding, filled the battlefield, we all stared in awe of this spectacle. In 30 seconds the fireworks had ended. The sky returned to its clear blue state.

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