I M Chapter 56

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We've arrived in Libang village. When the villagers saw us they happily went to greet us, especially the children. As expected, riding on dragons will draw us some attention.

I saw some familiar faces, but Michelle and Steven doesn't seem to be in the crowd. We talked to the villagers for a bit and played with the children. Soon after, Blake, separated to meet with his parents. The four of us went to my house.

I went and knocked on the door. The moment it opened, I had jumped towards the person opening it and hugged them.

"I'm home!" [Angelica]

"Ahh... err... is that you Angelica?"

"Eh?" [Angelica]

A familiar voice fills my ear. I immediately release my embrace, it was one of the girls here. I forgot her name though because I rarely interact with her... and she's pregnant... don't tell me... dad got her preggo?!

"Umm..." [Angelica]

"If you are looking for your parents, they're at the elder's house..."

"The elders house? Why are they there?" [Angelica]

"You didn't know? Ahh... I forgot, you already left when your father became the village chief."

"Is it a custom or something?" [Angelica]

"No it was decided by the villagers and they say that it is for the best."

"I see..." [Angelica]

Well, the elder's house is situated in the middle of the village. If attacks like that happen again, then it would be easy for them to plan and prepare.

At the elder's house, I knocked. I'll make sure to check first before hugging again, so that I wouldn't shame myself.

I looked back. They all showed me wry smiles... Oh god that is so embarrassing...

Then the door opened. It's like she hasn't changed in two years, long blonde hair, wearing her usual apron when she's cleaning.

Even her face didn't seem to age, its like we're in a manga or anime, where you have those parents whose age is in the XX years old, yet they still looked so young!

In my joy I did the same thing again.

"Mother! I'm home!" [Angelica]

"A-Angelica?!" [Michelle]

Michelle peeks at those behind me, she saw Maria, Kate and Regina.

"Pri..." [Kate]

"Kate! N..." [Michelle]

"Mother it's alright... I already know..." [Angelica]

Kate tried to greet mother by calling her princess. Michelle was about to rebuke her so I interrupted her. She took another glance and saw that they were wearing their knight armors.

"Come inside. We'll talk it over with tea..." [Michelle]

"Thank you princess." [Kate]

"Your highness..." [Regina]

"I missed you mother." [Angelica]

"I've missed you too my daughter. By the way, who is this lovely young lady here?" [Michelle]

"This is Maria, one of our party members and adventurer friend with Blake." [Angelica]

"Oh, thank you for looking after my daughter." [Michelle]

"Ah! It is alright your highness." [Maria]

"In this house it is prohibited to mention me in regards to royalty." [Michelle]

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