I M Chapter 89

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This thing looked like it wanted to give us a free hug from the way it runs. We dodged as soon as the digger came nearer, it was a little dumb because it went past us and had hit a wall.

"Flame Lance!!" [Maria]

Maria shoots a fiery lance at it and pierces its thigh. The digger yells in pain as it wriggles on the ground, we then heard more roars from the direction it had came from. We were already expecting more than one when Irvine said that we are dealing with a nest.

When I shone the light on them we see ten small glowing eyes a few dozen meters inside the tunnel. There were five of them all huddled together running towards us.

"Flame Thrower!!" [Irvine]

Irvine sears three diggers that were at the front, they scream as the fire engulfs them.

"Pierce!!" [Mooly]

Mooly pierces the chest of the digger, her pike makes a mess as she withdrew it from its body. Blake ducks when one tried to grapple him and he makes a quick V-slash on its chest with his fire enchanted jian. It reminded me of a robot show that I used to watch when I was a kid. {1}

I had gone and dispatched the digger that Maria has hit earlier. I kicked it in the head and it was indeed hard, the head resembles that of a hammerhead shark. Ah, so that's why it was easy to dodge its attacks, there was a huge blind spot when you were near the middle of its head...

After the first attack, I asked Maria and Irvine to change their spells to wind element magic. When they inquired why I pointed at the wooden support beams that were slightly charred. Even though fire element spells are effective, it is dangerous to be used here in the tunnel. Using it too much may also starve the place of oxygen leaving us unable to breathe.

As for the reason why I told them to use the wind element specifically is that it's less damaging, environment wise and does not deplete the air. Unlike water element magic which can flood the tunnels or make it slippery and muddy turning a simple escape to a difficult feat and earth element magic which typically uses the surroundings as a base for its spells.

We encountered a few more diggers on our way to find the nest, but other than that it was somewhat uneventful. We easily dispatched them one after the other, there were mostly just two to three and sometimes four of them.

Continuing into the tunnel I noticed that a part of it has recently collapsed leading to a fall. I marked it on the map just in case and we'll go update the guild and miners about it later. I picked up a pebble and threw it down. Six... seven... eight...

(Tick, tick, tick)

Eight seconds... man that's deep...

Meanwhile, we also passed a huge mound of mud, it is still wet and fresh. We are clueless as to why this is wet because there aren't any nearby water source.

When I placed my ear near it I can hear some form of racket going on from behind.

Not knowing how thick the mound is I just used my fire enchant and carved a hole big enough to fit two people.

Inside were diggers two of whom were banging their heads at one another and two more that are banging with their... er... um... whatever you want to call it... there are also those that were nearby that was just doing their business digging.

Even if its quite dark, and the space here is vast and dome-like. I don't see any more support beams so we are now most likely at the nest.


I whistled to see how the sound would bounce, and it was a baaaaaaaaaad idea...

As soon as I did that the room was lit. Lit up with lots and lots of eyes that is... I couldn't count on how many the diggers were, but I can clearly say that it is a cause for a concern...

"Maria, Irvine. I authorize you to use your deadly spells." [Angelica]

"There's no need to tell me that." [Irvine]

Before I even finished my sentence Irvine was already casting a spell. When Maria saw him, she followed casting soon after.

"Cyclone!!" [Irvine]

Irvine's spell pulls a couple of diggers that was close-by and twirls them around like being in a blender. Their claws, heads and tails randomly hitting the other diggers in the vortex of wind.

"Flare!!" [Maria]

In the center of Irvine's cyclone, a ball of fire appears that radiated intense heat. This spell is almost the same as Fireball, the only difference is this one doesn't explode on contact.

When the diggers grazed it a part of their body disintegrates.

When the diggers saw their friends being turned into ash they ran away into the darkness. They ran very fast that we couldn't even keep up with them until we cannot hear their footsteps anymore.

After walking for a few minutes we caught sight of the eggs and there's a lot of them. They were like small rounded boulders, each neatly separated as if it were a cabbage field.

"I guess this makes our work easier then." [Angelica]

"?! Sis! Above!!" [Mooly]

As soon as Mooly said that the diggers dropped down from the ceiling.

I was being surrounded by them. They were trying to separate all of us.

"Sister! Run towards me now!!" [Mooly]

I did what Mooly said and ran to her. When I was almost beside her she thrusts her pike near my head up to the point that I could feel the wind as it whizzed past. I was totally surprised when she did that.

A millisecond later there was an impact behind me. When I turned to check I saw a digger with its mouth wide open only a few inches away from my head, gnawing on Mooly's pike.

It had four rows of teeth, two on the front that is thick and blunt which is what they use when eating hard stuff and two at the back that are serrated like those of sharks.

"Mooly, your pike?!" [Angelica]

"Its alright sister, it could take a few more hits!" [Mooly]

I gripped her pike and enchanted it with the earth enchant. Her fragile pike suddenly became rock hard.

Wait.... did that just sound kind of sexual?

"Mooly, now!" [Angelica]

"Joint Break!!" [Mooly]


When Mooly twisted her arm, the pike turned inside its mouth breaking the joints in the diggers neck killing it instantly. I then slashed the digger that suddenly appeared behind Mooly.

"Thank you Mooly! Nice save!" [Angelica]

"Un!" [Mooly]

"Ahh!!" [Maria]

"Maria!" [Angelica]

Impractical Magicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें