I M Chapter 100

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Authors Note: Guys I have just checked the previous Chapters and found that there was a problem with the spacing on the site while editing. It is at Chapters 94-97.

Those same chapters when read in the Wattpad App seemed normal, I don't know what caused this, so as a temporary measure I ask you to read those bugged out chapters through the Wattpad App.

Sorry if this was late, I have just noticed it now.

Waiting on who will make the first move felt like an eternity. Man, she must've had good arm strength for keeping the bow aimed and drawn at me till now.

"Since you're a magician how about I give you a head start?" [Artemis]

"Then you'll shoot your arrow as I cast? No thanks." [Angelica]

"Suit yourself." [Artemis]

After finishing her sentence she immediately fired at me and I ducked down. When I did another arrow came flying and scratched my knee.

"Ugh..." [Angelica]

"Don't tell me that you're that weak." [Artemis]

"Air Cutter!!" [Angelica]

"Hmf..." [Artemis]

The heck? She just stepped aside and let my spell flew past her.

"Heh, pinning a magician to an archer at this range is like cheating." [Angelica]

"I can still fight you even at your maximum effective cast range." [Artemis]

She's so confident that she could beat me...

"Hey, no use standing there all day." [Artemis]

"?!" [Angelica]

In her right hand, she held four arrows in between her fingers. Next, she shot all of them in quick succession...

Goddamn! She did all of that in just under a second?!

I dodged all three by doing a somersault and deflecting the last arrow with a flick of my sword.

After deflecting it I charged straight at her. She wasn't even batting an eye despite me closing in this quickly.


"..." [Artemis]

I crossed my sword with her bow. Mythril is really amazing, the bow doesn't even bend when I struck it in full force. I wonder how it would fair if I used the fire enchant or earth enchant? I haven't tried it yet so it can be a good experiment.

While I was in thought, I got hit in the rib. She held the tip of the longbow and swung it sideways with both hands. I slumped and jumped back a few meters. In pain I held my stomach, she certainly is a skilled archer... Normal archers would carry only wooden bows and chose to dodge than parry attacks.

"You're not a magician aren't you?" [Artemis]

"What are you... getting at?" [Angelica]

I've had trouble breathing from the hit earlier...

"Stop the bullshit. I can see right through you." [Artemis]

I glared at her, so she saw through my guise.

"How?" [Angelica]

"Your movements. They aren't that of magicians, more like a swordsman." [Artemis]

She had already read me in just a few moves. No use hiding it then...

I waited for her to draw more arrows before I made my move. I lunged when she fired, then I deflected all of her shots with the wind enchant without dodging and soon...

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