I M Chapter 62 [Michelle]

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When father discovered that I was sneaking out. He made sure to hire someone to follow us.

If we had the time. Terrence, took me outside in the afternoon, we manage to lose them at the market when I shouted that they were the princess. Since they were wearing hoods similar to ours.

In an instant people flocked to him and we got away. For the time being, we hid at the pub. There I had my first taste of alcohol and also my first time getting drunk.

Terrence, carried me over to an inn. When I woke up it was already nighttime.

"You sure have a low tolerance to alcohol." [Terrence]

"S-sorry..." [Elaine]

I tried to walk, but my head was spinning. When I tripped, Terrence caught me in his arms.

"You still need some rest." [Terrence]

We waited for it to subside and then left.

"Hey wanna see something?." [Terrence]

"See what?" [Elaine]

"It's a secret..." [Terrence]

So I followed him, we went into the forest outside the city. The path was quite dense, but decent enough to go through with some effort.

"We're here." [Terrence]

I was speechless, what I saw was a beautiful sight. Even though my feet hurts from walking, it suddenly went away as I saw this marvel.

We were at the royal grave site, because the normal route was guarded. Terrence, showed me a secret path from the forest.

"Did you know that migration lilies bloom only at the end of each month?" [Terrence]

"No... I didn't..." [Elaine]

As the migration lilies bloom, they release a faint blue light that was carried off by the wind. Filling the whole field with light.

"It is said that the lilies got their name from this event, where the souls of the departed would be guided by the light of the lilies into the afterlife." [Terrence]

"It's so beautiful Terrence. Thank you..." [Elaine]

I wish that I could stay here forever and enjoy this rare sight.

I glanced at Terrence. When he noticed, he also glanced at me. As our eyes locked, I slowly moved my face closer to his.

He isn't moving away. "Is it alright?" I thought.

"It's okay..." [Terrence]

I blinked twice. I forgot about my telepathy... as I heard of his assurance we kiss under the field lit by blooming migration lilies...

When we got back to the castle, it was already at midnight. Terrence, escorted me to my room.

"Would you like to stay for the night?" [Elaine]

"E-eh?" [Terrence]

"I was joking-joking~" [Elaine]

His face lit red and I bid him good night. That was the start of our secret relationship.

A few months after. Father, returned from his trip from another kingdom and I was eating breakfast with him.

"Ahh, speaking of which I've met this prince. He has good humor and was very talented." [King Alex]

"What are you saying father?" [Elaine]

"You've now reached the rightful age to marry and we have already arranged for your wedding." [King Alex]

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