I M Chapter 59 [Michelle]

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I tried to use my ears to locate where he was "If only I know where you were..." I thought.

"I'm beside a stream."

"Wha..." [Elaine]

I was surprised, even though I had only thought of it, he answered me. I tried it again "Terrence, keep on talking."

"That's easy for you to say..."

It was then that I've discovered that I've had telepathy and told Terrence about it. While searching for him, we kept talking to one another. After sometime I found the stream, there was blood flowing on the water upstream.

"Damn..." [Terrence]

"Terrence?" [Elaine]

"Don't go to me princess." [Terrence]

I didn't like what he said. Cold sweat poured down my back, I had a bad feeling. Even though I was already running I picked up the pace.

"Haven't you ogre's had enough?"

My fears were realized when I heard him. He may have been heard by the ogre while we were talking.

Then I found him. Lying on his back, his bloodied hand dipping the stream, where the blood had come from earlier...

The ogre was walking towards him, it's mouth dripping with saliva.

"Surge! Earth Spike! Flamethrower!" [Elaine]

I fired off spell after spell, but the ogre pays no heed to it as it kept on walking to Terrence. Ogre's are known to focus only on one thing be it fighting, killing or eating...

"Run princess..."

"No!! This time I won't leave you!" [Elaine]

I shouted at him, If it's our time to die so be it!

"That's?!" [Elaine]

There was a sword stuck on the back of the ogre, so it was the third ogre that had attacked us. I began to cast my expert level magic.

The ogre picked up Terrence. I was scared that my spell cast may be too slow and might be too late, but if my concentration wavered now my casting will break.

"EARTH PILLAR!!" [Elaine]

I prayed... "Please reach... Please!!"

The ▪Earth Pillar▪ had hit the back of the ogre with such force that the sword pierced through the front, like a hammer hitting a nail.

It drops Terrence on the floor before falling by the stream.

I went up to Terrence and helped him up.

"Stupid princess..." [Terrence]

"Idiotic knight..." [Elaine]

"Thank you..." [Terrence]

"Guhuh..." [Elaine]

I hugged him and cried.

"That was amazing!" [Maria]

"Continue-continue." [Regina]

"Eheh..." [Michelle]

Mother plays with her hair in embarrassment.

"Next chapter please!" [Angelica]

"We're still not finished with this chapter!" [Michelle]

Why did she suddenly get mad?

That nigh we've managed to find shelter in a cave. Small enough to fit four people and narrow enough to make monsters have difficulty getting inside.

"Argh!" [Terrence]

"Sorry..." [Elaine]

I mended Terrence's wounds using my clothes as bandages. I was now regretting that I didn't try to go and learn even a bit of Healing magic...

"Ah..." [Elaine]

"..." [Terrence]

Terrence, patted me on the head while I was leaning in front of him. Even though he is wounded, he's still worried about me...

He tries to look at me, but then looks away whenever our eyes meet. He kept doing this for a while, which was cute.

"Heheh..." [Elaine]

"Wh-what is it?" [Terrence]

As I giggled, his face became red.

I was going to use my ▪Flame▪ spell to start a fire, but Terrence stopped me. If I made a campfire inside the cave, the smoke might suffocate us since this is a small space.

I also can't do it outside, because it was raining.

"Take off your armor." [Elaine]

"Princess?" [Terrence]

His face flustered. It's obvious that I didn't mean that.

"If you leave it on you'll catch a cold." [Elaine]

"It's fine." [Terrence]

"I didn't save you, only to lose you to a mere cold!" [Elaine]

"And I didn't save you, only to put yourself in danger again princess." [Terrence]

"Elaine." [Elaine]

"What?" [Terrence]

"Call me Elaine... it's a hassle if my personal knight always addresses me with formalities..." [Elaine]

"Elaine..." [Terrence]

"..." [Elaine]

"Why are you being so silent all of a sudden?" [Terrence]

"H-how would I know s-stupid?!" [Elaine]

Michelle is such a tsun... I can't wait to know how she got to be a dere-dere.

He slowly took off his armor, I cannot even take my eyes off of him. There I sa-

"Kyahh!" [Kate]

"Kya-kya." [Regina]

Kate and Regina suddenly screamed interrupting Michelle, well they're girls so I guess that's fine...

Anyway, why is Regina also going "Kya?" Is it like a family thing or something? These sisters...

"Hahh..." [Maria]

And here on the side is Maria. Holding her face with both hands while blushing...

"Gyah!" [Angelica]

In order to go with the flow, I also did the same, but they all cast a weird look at me. What? Did they know that I'm faking it? Or does it really have to sound like "Kyah?"

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