I M Chapter 58 [Michelle]

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We got off from the carriage at the edge of the forest.

In just a few minutes of walking we already encountered a monster. It was a mutant bear, since I requested for this hunt, I have the privilege of killing it.

At the distance, I used ▪Air Cutter▪ It didn't damage the mutant bear. It just managed to take its attention, it then charged towards us.

The recruits tried to stop the bear, still... it got past them. Terrence, managed to decapitate it with a single strike.

Even though I was grateful, I was still mad at him for stealing my kill. For two hours, even the knight recruits had a kill of their own. Only I was the one left and I started to get frustrated.

After hunting we took a rest. They cooked the animals that we've hunted, except for others that weren't edible. I sat at the a far side of the campfire.

Terrence and those recruits were merrily eating and talking about how fun it was.

While they were busy enjoying themselves. I took the time to escape, that way no one can hinder me getting my kill of the hunt.

"I'll show you that I could hunt a monster on my own." [Elaine]

I've managed to walk far enough, but I haven't seen any monsters. It was really hard not knowing how to track them.

And then, I saw a white monster. It was a small one sitting by the edge of a cliff, it's back facing mine.

I silently began casting ▪Firebolt▪ it takes three seconds to cast, then I fired it at the monster. It struck it around the torso and then it leaned forward.

"Yes!" [Elaine]

I shouted. Then I saw something emerge from the cliff. It was a huge hand, it then plucked the ▪Firebolt▪ off...

It stood up with its back still facing me, as it turned I was gripped with dread. It was an ogre... what I hit was the lump on its head.

Standing at three meters tall, it was only sitting by the edge. I've miscalculated...

Unable to move. The ogre stared at me in the eye. It picked up a boulder that is nearby and charged at me as it roared, because of my fear. I couldn't even move my legs and just stood there.

I will surely die if I didn't do anything.

"Earth Spear! Violent Gale! Flamechaser!" [Elaine]

I used my Apprentice level spells so I could instantly use it, but they didn't inflict as much damage. The ogre quickly closed in, I know that I can't dodge even if I tried, that's the reason why I decided to be a magician in the first place...

I wasn't ready to die yet. I was scared... "Someone... somebody... I don't want to die... I don't want to die!"

"Princess!" [Terrence]

"Protect her majesty!"

I heard a familiar voice, it was Terrence and the knights. They went to block the ogre with Terrence at the front.

"I will take it on, you guard the princess!" [Terrence]

"Rog- Ahh?!"

When we heard one of the recruits scream, we looked at his direction. Another ogre is holding the recruit by the leg, the next thing that happened is...


It lowered the recruit to its mouth and ate him. The sound of his crunching bones echoed with every move of its jaw.

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