I M Chapter 99

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After filling up my stomach with delicious goodies Matthew and I had a small chat, somehow he opened up to me a little and told me a few things. He told me that his mother was a researcher in medicine and that she had made a discovery that would revolutionize healing medicines as we know it. When I asked him what it was he didn't give me any immediate answer.

I was sure that he doesn't trust me that much yet, so I'm not that offended and regarding his mother's condition, I chose not to pry into it.

It seems that the Empire wanted to use the newly discovered medicine for their own merits. Hence, the reason why Matthew's mother refused to help them despite being offered a gracious sum of money.

She was an inventor like me, but regarding her circumstances, she wasn't well protected like I was, because the people around me kept me off of trouble from shady organizations to greedy merchants and despicable nobles. Whereof which I will tell you about that story some other time.

Now, I am thankful that I was born into a family with connections. Because if it weren't for them I may have already been exploited or forced to do other people's biddings.

Matthew dozed off a few minutes after laying in bed. I was amazed that a small and frail child such as him was able to evade his pursuers for so long.

I sat beside the window using the chair I got from the table. I was thinking of how I could return back to the Blackrock Republic and how I could get out of this situation. I can deny any involvement with Matthew so they would release me, but from the fact that he saved me, I feel obliged to return the favor.

However... how was I still alive?

The avalanche could have crushed or buried me to death. I was also aware of the river at the base of Pilapil village and maybe the avalanche pushed me off there, but from the drop before hitting the water is so high. I was certain that I would have something broken if I jumped off the ledge and hit the river at breakneck speeds. Although I wasn't sure of how deep the river was because if I smashed into rocks that would've spelt the end of me and I also could've drowned if I ever did manage to survive all of that...

Also, what state was I in when Matthew found me? For sure a simple medicine won't do a thing if you're near death... Now, it makes me even more curious as to what that medicine was...

I kept on rewinding this stuff in my head over and over. Maybe I was just really lucky I don't know...

"I need to pee..." [Angelica]

As I was lost in thought I never noticed that the moon from the window had already switched from the ten o'clock to the two o'clock position. I don't know how long I was out, but now I feel a great urge to take a piss.

I knocked on the steel door.

"Helloooo is anybody there?" [Angelica]


Oh, there's someone there. I wanted to check if there was someone from the other side, cause if we are going to try escaping now would be the right time.

"Can you open up cause I need to use the toilet." [Angelica]

"How about, no."

"Please, I really really need to pee!" [Angelica]

"Stop wasting my time and go use the chamber pot!"

"There's pot?! Where!" [Angelica]

"I said CHAMBER POT!!"

I was joking lol. Kids, don't do drugs.

I scanned the place and saw it at the very edge of the room. It had a couple of flies flying all around it and as soon as I opened it...

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