I M Chapter 38

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It had been four weeks since the attack. Life in the city is slowly returning to normal.

In the first week, we had to clean up the place of corpses. If we leave them be, the smell of decay will linger. There was also a risk of spreading disease.

It took the second week to burn them all and collect all of the equipment. We managed to make a great deal of money from it, but we donated it to the people and families of those who perished in the fighting.

On the third week, people started to return and lastly on the fourth week, they began the repair of the damaged buildings.

There was a huge drop of adventurers at the guild due to the attack. The guild was having a hard time issuing quests and we accepted any quests assigned to us. We are now ranked at AR3 even though we have just attained AR2 before the orc fight. A lot of people didn't take their promotions or because they still couldn't take on high-ranking quests.

From that, we received a ton of rewards from the quest, which pretty much covers all of our expenses.

I've mastered the Apprentice level wind magic in just four weeks. The only hindrance was learning how to use it. At the same time, Maria was also teaching me Apprentice level Healing magic. She wanted to teach me Support magic, but I turned her down because support magic uses too much energy even at the Novice level. It was also very hard to learn...

This is what I've learned from magic.

Offensive magic - The easiest to learn and understand; you could compare it to an elementary school teaching from my world.

Healing magic - Is somewhat hard, but it's still understandable, similar to high school level teaching.

Supportive magic - I don't even want to learn this. I tried to learn one Supportive spell at the Novice level but after a year, I was still unable to invoke it. Its difficulty is probably around college level.

Well, I guess if I could learn Supportive magic and combine it with my enchantment ability, I would've probably been too OP heheh. Wait... did I just get nerfed?!

Meanwhile, Blake used the money he gets to pay for his sword training. I heard that his mentor is really good at swordsmanship. I also remembered that I wanted to learn dodging maneuvers from the archers. Can they train me for free? It's not like there was an instructor on dodging though...

Maria is with me learning different kinds of elemental magic from Jose. It seemed like Jose has taken a liking to her and took her in as his apprentice. Well, it's not like I was talented in using magic, to begin with.

For now, I was learning Water magic at a novice level. I had originally planned on combining my Fire and Wind enchant to create a Lightning enchant. From what I heard from Jose and Maria, combination magic is around the Expert level... so I have to discover it on my own...

They were really amazed at my enchanting power. Jose stated that in his whole life, this was the first time that he has seen it. Even others said the same thing when we fought off the legion.

"Imagine as if you are pouring water into a glass." [Jose]

The magic crystal is getting wrapped in a reddish glow.

"..." [Angelica]

Then, the low-quality magic crystal lets out a cracking sound. I failed my attempt to imbue it, these crystals don't come cheap...

I asked Jose recently on how to imbue magic crystals. For now, it isn't going smoothly.

I've already cracked more than a dozen of them. Imbuing is hard, but I need to learn it to make up for my lack of energy.

Jose said that the hardest to imbue are magic crystals of the lowest quality, because of their roughness. I asked him why wouldn't he let me imbue the high-quality ones, he just said.

"If you fail at imbuing high-quality magic crystals. It would not only result in a crack. There is a risk of it getting out of control and then suddenly unleashing its power, which is very dangerous."

So it's like upgrading huh...

"To imbue the crystals, you need to have a clear mind." [Jose]

"But how do you clear yours, Jose?" [Angelica]

"Hmm, good question..." [Jose]

Jose rubs his beard at my inquiry. He lets out an "Ahh" as if he just had an idea.

"Have you ever done purification before?" [Jose]

"Purification?" [Angelica]

"It's the cleansing of body and mind." [Maria]

"How do I do that?" [Angelica]

"You need to bathe yourself in water." [Maria]

Ah, so it's similar to my old world huh.

"There isn't a cleansing basin here though." [Jose]

"Oh! There's a lake outside that provides water to the city. You can use that." [Maria]

"Do I have to wear some ceremonial clothes too?" [Angelica]

"It's just a simple purification, it's not like you're purifying something evil." [Maria]

"No cosplay for me then." [Angelica]

"Cos-play?" [Maria]

For once I wanted to try cosplaying in a miko costume. Hmm, I wonder... how would I look if I had worn one?

"It's somehow a little chilly huh." [Blake]

"Uh." [Maria]

"Says the one who has the torch!" [Angelica]

We went to the lake around midnight. The still water reflected the moon's surface; moonlight illuminated the surroundings, but it was still dark.

I asked Maria to come with me, but she was scared of the dark so we also brought Blake along as a guard. It would be bad if bandits caught sight of two women walking outside the city at night... monsters aren't an issue because they stay away from the city as far away as possible.

"Let's set up here." [Angelica]

"Alright." [Blake]

"Okay." [Maria]

I brought out the things I need from my bag: spare clothes, underwear, and a towel. Then, I placed them behind the tree, near the water's edge.

"Blake" [Angelica]

"Yeah?" [Blake]

"No peaking." [Angelica]

"Do your best!" [Maria]

"Thanks." [Angelica]

Blake frowns while Maria's eyes sparkle.

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