I M Chapter 49

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When I got back to our room, I talked to Blake and Maria that my mother was the first princess, at first they were surprised when they found out that I had royal blood.

"Then, that power of yours... is it genetic?" [Maria]

"I dunno... I haven't seen anyone else use it." [Angelica]

"Are you going to be staying here?" [Blake]

"No Blake, grandfather asked me to do an errand for him." [Angelica]

Blake, sighed in relief. Did he thought that because I was royalty, I will stay?

"Don't worry Blake, I like adventures more than being locked up and pampered in a castle." [Angelica]

He looked at me and blinked twice. My dear childhood friend is so easy to read...

"So, Maria. I'm planning to travel a bit, do you want to tag along?" [Angelica]

"Yes! I want to see the world with you guys!" [Maria]

Uwahh she's so honest, I want to kiss her. No wait... I'm a girl! I can!

"A-Angelica?!" [Maria]

"You're so honest, I couldn't help myself!" [Angelica]

I kept kissing her at the cheek. Heheh new exploit unlocked! It's nice to have a womans body, female skinship ftw!

Blake seemed like he wants some too. I know the best thing to do.

"Wah! Mnmnf?!" [Blake]

I grabbed him by the shoulder and held him to my chest. He blushed, boys will be boys. I'm kind of jealous, I want to bury my face in someone's chest too!!

I asked the both of them to keep it a secret. If this spreads it may become a problem.

The following day, we met up with grandfather at the conference room. There was a huge round table at the center, which reminded me of the one in camelot. {1}

"I'd like to personally apologize to the both of you, for my behavior the other day." [King Alex]

"I-It's alright your majesty!" [Maria]

"If Angelica's fine with it, so am I." [Blake]

"I thank you both for your consideration." [King Alex]

Grandfather said that he'll give financial support to me, but I turned him down. I don't want to give him anymore problems. He also asked if Blake and Maria wanted some compensation, they also refused the offer.

"How about we start mining for magic crystals?" [King Alex]

On second thought...

"That will surely drive the prices down. I would be happy if low-class citizens were able to have access to it." [Angelica]

"You really care for the populace like your mother." [King Alex]

"Just send it to Jose's magic and potion shop in Cagban." [Angelica]

"Jose? Jose?! That bastard?!!" [King Alex]

I just had a cold sweat. I'm getting bad vibes...

"Anyone calling me?" [Jose]

Just as grandfather finished his sentence. Jose, popped out of nowhere, well speak of the devil he better stop that.

"Jose you imbecile! Why did you leave the high court without notifying me!" [King Alex]

"Who are you my parent?!" [Jose]

"Kuh... Guards!!" [King Alex]

"Not this shit again!" [Jose]

"Stop it you idiots. You're showing your ugly side to the youngsters..." [Howard]

As the guards were about to apprehend Jose. Howard called both of them idiots, we all stared at him in surprise.

"Well, he started it." [King Alex]

"Since you became King, you've turned into a dick." [Jose]

"Who's a dick?! You ass man!" [King Alex]

Oh damn... shots fired! !

"This isn't the kind of reunion I'd like to see..." [Howard]

"Umm..." [Angelica]

"What is it?" [Howard]

"Do the three of you know each other?" [Angelica]

"The three of us used to be adventurers, or should I say friends. Alex, only became King when he managed to score on the princess of this country, that was during our adventuring days." [Howard]

Ahh... my family tree is this amazing yet confusing at the same time...

We watched their exchange for fun, they were like the three stooges.

Howard, was massaging his forehead during the whole ordeal.


"How is my father's condition?"

"His health is slowly deteriorating."


"It also seems that he has guest's which he likes to entertain."

"Entertain? Father wouldn't act like that for no reason. Unless... it's someone important... Investigate at once!"

"Yes! My liege."


{1} A reference to King Arthur and his knight of the round table

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