I M Chapter 90

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When we got back; Maria and Irvine went to the inn to rest, they have expended a lot of energy from running and gunning the diggers.

"Sis! Sis! I can see your inventions everywhere!" [Mooly]

"Heheh. Thank you Mooly." [Angelica]

The whole village has been redecorated or should I say upgraded. We were merely gone for six to eight hours and everything and I mean EVERYTHING has changed, my imbued crystals were used pretty much on all of the stuff that you see every day.

"They really know their stuff." [Blake]

From small items to huge appliances, it is like a completely different village which is similar to Dalio of course!

This reminded me of the game Empire Earth, when you change periods, all of the cities that you own suddenly change in appearance. We jumped from medieval to renaissance... Sire! The age of discovery us upon us!

"How do you like the village now?" Russel inquires as I stare into the bustling alleyway.

"I am in awe at how fast you guys do your work." [Angelica]

"Heh, I told you so." [Russel]

Now I believe Russel on what he said about the dwarfs resourcefulness.

Using my imbued crystals some have already made inventions of their own. I see a dwarf fiddling on what seems like an air blower, he had a crude pipe attached with a handle and just below the handle is my magic crystal. He made an experimental model I see.

The dwarf looked down the pipe and powered up the crystal, then there came a sudden blast of wind from within, he may have used it in max output that it shaved his top hair off... dangerous...

Well, that is normal for experiments, we learn from our mistakes and oh, correction what flew was a wig. I bet that with just a few adjustments I can turn that into a gun, but screw guns. I was killed by it and I'm not planning on getting shot by one again or much so coerced into making them if I presented it in this world.

"Hey, do you want to see my forge?" [Russel]

"I had already seen what people do with them at Dalio." [Angelica]

"You sure about that?" [Russel]

We followed Russel home and to my amazement his house is smaller than the others despite being the head of the village and also as the guild master.

"Sorry its a bit cramped, but make yourselves at home." [Russel]

"Such colorful stones." [Mooly]

"Umm... Mooly those are ores..." [Blake]

His house was filled with all kinds of ore and aside from the usual fire imbued furnace, he also has a drum filled with my water imbued crystal and a blower that was wind imbued.

"I can understand the furnace, but why the drum and blower?" [Angelica]

"My dear, forging is a very delicate process even slight changes in temperature if not controlled it will ruin the weapon." [Russel]

Russel tells me that he uses the drum to change the temperature of the water depending on the status of the metal. For each quench, it hardens the metal and it, in turn, makes the blade sensitive to minor changes in temperature.

It is also the same for the blower, to help the air circulate inside the furnace, as it would pose as a problem if the pocket of hot air is concentrated in one place.

So forging mostly relies on temperature huh. Pardon for my lack of knowledge as during my past life most of the forging is done by automated machines, so minor details such as this is new to me.

Impractical MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora