I M Chapter 104

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I managed to talk Anna into it with a bit of... correction, A LOT of convincing.

"Are you sure that you wanted to trade this mythril dagger?" [Anna]

"Yes." [Angelica]

"You know, with this you can get more than just a single wagon." [Anna]

"There is nothing I can do, as we only have one at the moment." [Angelica]

Anna sighs and scratches her head. When I said that I'll trade the mythril cinquedea for the magic crystals she looked at me wide-eyed and quickly snatched it from my hands to examine it. Once she determined that it was genuine, she had almost dropped it. I wasn't worried about it getting dropped since it wouldn't even be able to dent the darn thing let alone scratch it.

I am well aware of how expensive mythril is, what I don't know is how much are the magic crystals in the Empire? The reason why I hadn't asked this is that they may make it look more expensive. Yeah-yeah say what you want. I have trust issues~

When I was finished with the transaction I asked Anna to get me a private room and bring four small sacks of magic crystals. I recommend small because the room is tiny. I let Matthew and Anna stay with me while Spencer and Jody took a rest at Anna's house.

"Hahh... here goes." [Angelica]

Inhale... exhale... now picture what enchants that I want to put in them...

"The crystals are... flying?" [Matthew]

"And they are glowing in different colors?!" [Anna]

I couldn't see what was happening as I kept my eyes closed...

Despite Anna exclaiming my concentration hadn't wavered, is it because of the shock treatment that I received from the crazy Emperor? Which led me to be able to concentrate properly?

Sigh... I better clear my head or the imbuing will fail...

After some time the imbuing finally finished.

"It took you almost an hour Angelica." [Matthew]

I nodded. Whenever I imbue a lot of crystals time seems to fly by without me noticing it. Maria, once commented that I was like in a trance.

"Wow they're pretty..." [Anna]

Anna held two crystals that were imbued with the wind and water enchant.

I noticed that most of the crystals were in their unpolished state, I forgot that back at Dalio Mrs. Helen gets them polished up from the jewelers before sending them to me, to be imbued. A lot of them would be wasted as they are unpolished. Because a magic crystal, once imbued cannot be broken into separate pieces for when you try to break it the whole crystal's effect would become null. So it needs to be polished before imbuing.

Well, it's my fault for not checking. I'll just ask Anna if they had any jewelers here that could polish them. Although I was quite surprised to see that most of the crystals here are around good/high quality, unlike those in the Republic. It may have been the location, I don't know, I wasn't even aware of where they mined theirs.

"Angelica?" [Anna/Matthew]

I massaged my forehead. Uh... I feel so tired... this always happens whenever I imbue a lot of them. It seems like imbuing takes a bit of your energy and puts it into each crystal to program your magic. Maria doesn't seem to be drained even after imbuing them, is it because she had much more energy?

"I'm fine. I only needed to rest." [Angelica]

"Here..." [Matthew]

Matthew took my hand and dropped a small item which is colored blue... I picked it up and spun it around, it looks similar to a pill.

"Is this?" [Angelica]

"Yes... its what my mother researched. It will help you recover your lost energy." [Matthew]

"Do I need water or should I just swallow it?" [Angelica]

"Either way is fine." [Matthew]

So it is indeed a pill.

I popped the blue pill into my mouth and swallowed. A few seconds later my fatigue faded and I felt re-energized. It's like drinking an energy potion.

"My mother discovered a way to create them in powdered form so that it could be stored and transported without much hassle." [Matthew]

I looked at Matthew. He always seemed dejected whenever he talks about his mother. So I rubbed his head.

Now I know why the Empire wanted to get their hands on him so badly... Something of this caliber is surely a game changer for medicine and also warfa...

I paused. Why haven't I thought of that earlier... aside from selling them for a profit. Soldiers would also be able to carry more of them, unlike potions which are cumbersome with the glass and liquid. This would be a good alternative since with the pills you wouldn't have to worry about them shattering and spilling their contents.

"Thanks, Matthew." [Angelica]

"Whew, that was entertaining to watch. I've completely forgotten how hot this room was." [Anna]

"Hot, you say? Try to think up a gentle breeze Anna." [Angelica]

"Heh, this is an enclosed room there wouldn't be a breeze h- whoa?!" [Anna]

The magic crystal in her hand glowed and released a cool breeze. She activated it nonchalantly...

"Was that because of your magic Angelica?" [Matthew]

"Yes." [Angelica]

"What do the other crystals do?" [Anna]

After I told them the functions of each crystal, Anna had immediately put them to use in the village.

I will now refer to them as the fire, water, earth, wind crystals to keep it short and simple.

They replaced the firewood with the fire crystal to cook their food because it filled the roof of the tunnels with soot, ash, and smoke which is suffocating them making it a health hazard. The water crystal solved their water shortage and cleanliness, no more looking for wells and streams.

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