I M Chapter 53

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In the next two days we'll be departing back to our village of Libang.

While staying here grandfather, let me use the library for my research. I also spent time training my water magic and swordsmanship with Blake.

Currently I've been testing some stuff. It was hard for me to transition from Fire enchant to Wind enchant when attacking. I once tried to use Blake's jian, which had the Fire enchant, but when I used it in conjunction with the Wind enchant, they canceled each other out.

Blake, almost always wins in our training. He's become nearly unbeatable, which is good, but I'm slowly catching up to him as I get used to high-speed combat.

Maria, takes classes from Jose. She's taught with higher level magic, she also said that she will be taught on how to do multi-cast. So this world has that magic huh, will Maria learn it upon reaching level 6? {1}

After eating my breakfast I went straight to grandfather for a chat. He really likes to have me as company.

"Is that a new enchant?" [King Alex]

"Yes... this is the Water enchant." [Angelica]

I've shown grandfather my enchanting power while with him. By this time, I had already mastered the Novice level Water magic. The Water enchant covers the whole blade in water. As for its effects, I still haven't found out because I had only just recently unlocked it and it is still quite unstable.

I asked him if my magic is rooted within the family. He said no, although there are individuals who have unique magic.

I had read about it in the library. Those people with unique or what they call personal magic is just a few in the world. Am I considered special then?

There was also a magician that was able to stop time, is that person a maid perhaps? {2} But she was only able use it for ten seconds which is a bummer.

"You said that you didn't want to weaponize that magic, yet you use it yourself." [King Alex]

"I use it with good intentions." [Angelica]

"What about that man who was with you? Do you trust him with that sword?" [King Alex]

"Yes, he's my childhood friend and without him I may have died a couple or so times." [Angelica]

"Do you like him?" [King Alex]

"Hahh?!" [Angelica]

I've suddenly lost my concentration and the water from the enchant fell to the floor with a splash.

"Where did that came from?!" [Angelica]

"You like him." [King Alex]

"I don't!" [Angelica]

"Your face is as red as a tomato." [King Alex]

"Grandfather!!" [Angelica]

Am I? Actually? ...

"Heheh, you should be more honest with yourself." [King Alex]


Just as grandfather was about to enjoy teasing me, a knock came from the door. It was Howard.

"Sir you have a guest." [Howard]

"I'll meet with them at the guest lounge." [King Alex]

"He also wants to meet ms. Angelica." [Howard]

"... Who is he? I haven't to spoken to anyone regarding my meeting with the inventor." [King Alex]

Certainly this is weird, only he and a few people know about me being here.

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