I M Chapter 94 + Character Portraits

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Two days had passed and both Irvine and Angelica had refused to take on quests going inside of the tunnels, they acted like small children in a tantrum whenever we tried to get them into the guild... If this keeps up then we should probably just move to another village or city.

Angelica has finally given Irvine a magic crystal with the earth enchant, which is evident from its brown shade. She told him that since his sword cane breaks from time to time, it would be useful for him if he wants to engage in close combat and she even told him that both her and Blake will train him.

Also, In those two days, Angelica seems to be acting weirdly whenever she's around Blake. Did something happen when they were in the tunnel? When I inquired Irvine about her bizarre behavior, he also doesn't seem to know anything.

There was one incident where we saw her banging her head on the wall when Blake, tried to start a conversation with her as we are eating in the room.

(Bam! Bam!)

"Angelica?!" [Maria]

"I'm ok~ay..." [Angelica]

She glanced at me with a smile as her forehead started to bleed profusely...

"No! You are not okay! Your forehead is bleeding!!" [Maria]

When she was banging her head I can hear her mumbling the words. Pink... background... butterflies... everywhere...

"First Aid!!" [Maria]

She was acting really-really-REALLY weird...

Angelica, if you're sick please get well soon... Despite acting like an old pervy man at times I very much preferred to see you that way than whats happening to you right now...


I was sitting at the balcony of the inn thinking on what answer I should give to Blake. Up till now, I've only seen his as a brother/friend, I was totally caught by surprise with his sudden confession. I should be careful with my answer as not to hurt him, but the thought remains on how he would react...


The door creaked open behind me and there was Blake.

"Angelica." [Blake]

"Blake." [Angelica]

He sat on the opposite side of the table.

... ... ... ... ... ...

This silence is making me feel so uneasy... that I don't even know what conversation we ought to should start with.

"Angelica." [Blake]

I glanced at him and our eyes locked.

"These past few days I know that you are still bothered by my confession, but I am not expecting you to give me an answer right away. So you can take your time." [Blake]

"But have you thought about what you really feel about me? You know, it might just have been some infatuation. I think that you are much better off with another girl than with me who is always reckless..." [Angelica]

"I'll say this no matter how many times. YOU ARE the only person that I like, I love you, Angelica." [Blake]

My heart suddenly started racing after hearing those words. I'm not turning gay am I?! But since I have a girls body does it even count?

No-no-no-no... since his confession every now and then I have been getting these kinds of thoughts which isn't good for my mental health...

"Blake... I don't know if you'll believe me but..." [Angelica]

Should I tell him? The secret about me being reincarnated into this girls body.

"I am not from this world." [Angelica]

"I... do not understand..." [Blake]

"Blake... I am... reinca-" [Angelica]

The floor beneath us suddenly shook. An earthquake?!

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