I M Chapter 22 [Blake]

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Winter is just near the corner. The adults asked us to fetch some firewood in the forest because they were still busy repairing the village.

"This is tiring..." [Angelica]

"Want to rest for a bit?" [Blake]

"Good thing you have stamina." [Angelica]

"You just have to know what angle to hit the wood, it makes it much easier you know." [Blake]

She only has to hit it on certain parts to cut it faster...

"That's easy for you to say..." [Angelica]

"Then you should depend on me more." [Blake]

Saying it with pride I puffed my chest.

"You've already saved me a dozen times. If you keep that up women will surely fall in love with you." [Angelica]

"All but you..." [Blake]

"What was that?" [Angelica]

"..." [Blake]

That kind of stung. Didn't she hear me? Or is she just playing deaf?

I just disregarded it and continued on chopping down the tree.

"Alright, let's try this." [Angelica]

"Try what?" [Blake]

"This!" [Angelica]

A second later I saw Angelica enchanted the axe and cut the tree trunk, she did cut it swiftly, but the tree was burning...

"Wah! Angelica what have you done?!" [Blake]

"Uh! Water! Water!" [Angelica]

Whoa, this is the first time I saw her really confused so this is quite a sight to see. I hurriedly took a bucket and got water from the river. After that Angelica didn't use her magic.

About an hour or so one of the guys with us shouted that there was a BDP.

BDP a word created by Angelica to describe ogres, since the people in the village thought it was cool they began to use that term whenever an ogre appears. Apparently, it's so very popular that Angelica became annoyed by it.

The villagers also thought up SBT. Small But Terrible (SBT) to call the goblins, there are more, but I don't want to go over them.

Our weapons at the ready we stalked the ogre.

Ogre's huge humanoid type monsters, almost always carrying a club for a weapon. The club can be anything as long as they can swing them be it a rock, tree and even monsters... They have great strength and if you ever get caught in its hands they will either tear you to shreds or squeeze you till you pop.

When we got closer, somebody accidentally stepped on a branch. The ogre heard it and roared, the roar made the ground shake and some of the guys fell. When they recovered, some began to run.

"Get in the forest!" [Angelica]

"Everyone get into the forest!" [Blake]

It would be useless if they have fear while confronting it, they would be too scared to concentrate on fighting and the formation may fall. So it would be best if they ran rather than stay. In case to minimize the casualties...

Only four of us? Can we do this? While thinking about it Angelica started the strategy.

"Let's surround it." [Angelica]

"Who will be the decoy?"

"I am." [Blake]


All our roles are set. We then engaged the ogre I got its attention by throwing a rock at it, luckily it hit its head with a *clunk* it roared at me, it has saliva mixed with it. What the hell has this thing been eating?!

The guys with Angelica shot out a ▪Fireball▪ as a pre-emptive strike. They should've just used their weapons, the skin of the ogre is flabby so it has good fire resistance plus the fat would absorb the impact and the ▪Fireball▪ will not explode.

"Stop!!" [Blake]

I tried to scream at them, but they let out a second attack. I can see it slowly with my eyes, the ogre waited for the Fireball and returned it with its club to the caster. Luckily it missed, but it exploded behind him and made him unconscious.

Angelica quickly said to get him out of here, ogres in order to be certain that you are actually dead they will smash you to bits.

We covered their escape by attacking the ogre, switching the roles with only the two of us will make this easier.

Angelica made a frontal assault, while I went to the side.

The ogre swung its club and Angelica dodged it by doing a backward somersault. Looks like its light blue today huh...

I unknowingly slashed the ogre's feet. My blow was light, damn you light blue distraction!

This time the ogre attacked me and Angelica struck the place I hit earlier while enchanting her sword. Her slash let out an arc of red light and hit. The smell of burnt meat fills the air, it smells disgusting...

She cut about half of the knee, it slumped a step back. Angelica started to pant heavily. Is she tired from enchanting?

"Tired yet?" [Blake]

"No, I'm pumped." [Angelica]

Oh! She's just excited when she smiled, I laughed. Her smile shows how she was enjoying this... As we became lost in our laughter the ogre roared at us. "What are you jealous?" I muttered.

While its wounded, we took the chance to deliver the finishing blow. The ogre couldn't keep its balance so it cannot match our movement, attacking at high-speed releasing a flurry of slashes. Blood danced around us.

The ogre nearly fell like a tree, however it managed to support itself with its club. Its head now within the reach of my blade, I planned on splitting it in half. But it managed to block my strike.

One of the main weaknesses of the ogre is their nape, head, and heart. Because they are the most exposed parts without the flabby hide.

Angelica then ran on its back and shouted something that I didn't understand before slitting its nape. She jumped off and blood bursts from its nape like rain, it hit the ground head first.

Angelica was now walking towards me. I wiped my nose with my thumb and smiled, she showed me a V-sign.

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