I M Chapter 77

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"You did good. Defeating those orcs weren't just a simple feat." [Michelle]

Michelle, congratulates us as she unmounted from the hurricane dragon.

"Also, father has taken Suitan under our control." [Michelle]

"Grandfather did?" [Angelica]

"They did depart earlier than us and rallying the adventurers was a difficult." [Michelle]

"But you are even more amazing mother. Commanding thousands people." [Angelica]

"You flatter me too much my daughter." [Michelle]

"How many were the casualties?" [Steven]

"387..." [Michelle]

"That's great right?" [Maria]

"..." [Michelle]

Michelle, was unhappy at the figures. She may have wished to make it even lower if she could.

"It's the best you can do. For all we know, without your help it may have been way higher." [Kate]

"Thank you Kate." [Michelle] 

"Adventurers and magicians, please stay at the outer barricades and report any suspicious activities." [Steven]

"Knights! Were moving into the city. Eliminate any stragglers and give immediate aid to survivors. As for the victims... please report them to us..." [Kate]

"Let us help you, we have rested enough and can use our spells again." [Magician]

"No, it's better if you stayed." [Steven]

"We will come no matter what you say. We've contributed much to this battle!" [Magician]

The young magician protested. Did they think that they were being thrown out after being used? Well for me it does seem like it, but Kate and Steven seems to have a reason why they don't want to let these people in.

"You are a magician from the academy right?" [Michelle]

"Yes." [Magician]

"Then you've also heard stories or read about books, on what happens to people in villages that were occupied by orcs." [Michelle]

"Ah..." [Magician]

Michelle, says in a very cold manner, even I got chills from what she said. The young magician averts his gaze.

"Do you still want to come?" [Michelle]

"..." [Magician]

"A wise choice." [Michelle]

The adventurers aren't protesting? Is it common knowledge for them?

"Let's go Angelica." [Kate]

"Wait... we're coming?" [Angelica]

"We need you to come with us." [Michelle]

"Okay." [Angelica]

I was baffled why they wanted us to come. I already have a general idea on what the orcs does to other races from my past life and I am sure that I don't want to go see it for myself, as I may not be able to stomach it...

"Maria, do you have that crystal with the Inferno spell?" [Steven]

"Yes, why?" [Maria]

"We might need it, could you hand it over?" [Kate]

"Alright." [Maria]

Our party together with Michelle, Steven, Kate and the elite knights. Went into the inner city, the knights took care of the left over orcs while searching for survivors at the same time...

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