I M Chapter 23

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Winter, haah... the season that I hated the most... Where snowfall is a daily occurrence.

At night, freezing winds envelop my room. I had to wear thick clothing even indoors... at least that solved the skirt problem. It has been so long since I wore shorts, now it feels kind of weird...

In the morning, we have to get the snow off the roof and paths which is very tiring. Piles upon piles of snow stacked up at one another, also the river is frozen solid so it was hard to fish.

I was standing beside the window watching the snow fall.In my old world, I lived in the tropics, so this kind of weather is somewhat new to me.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

The person who asked was Blake sitting on my bed illuminated by a candle.

You might think, why is there a guy on my bed at night, well I asked him to come to talk about a particular subject.

"Blake..." [Angelica]

"W-what is it?" [Blake]

He tensed up. Does he know what I want to ask?

"I want to..." [Angelica]

Blake stood up and suddenly held me in his arms.

"Blake? What are you?!" [Angelica]

"Wah! Sorry!" [Blake]

What is he doing?!

"I'm sorry I forgot that this is your first, sorry I got excited..." [Blake]

Ahh, so that's it... I guess, even I would misunderstand if a girl called me out to her room at night.

"Blake... that isn't what I want to talk about..." [Angelica]

Realizing his mistake, Blake removed me from his embrace and took a step back. The light from the candle reflects his reddish face, after another step he trips and fell on my bed.

For the misunderstanding, I'll let it slide for now.

"... I want to become an adventurer." [Angelica]

"Do you know how dangerous that occupation is?" [Blake]

"Yes... that is why I wanted to talk to you about it." [Angelica]

Blake stares at me while he covered his mouth with both of his hands. He really is concerned about me.

"... Have you discussed this with your parents?" [Blake]

"I would, only after I've heard your opinion." [Angelica]

"Are planning to go alone?" [Blake]

"I was hoping that..." [Angelica]

I couldn't say it. I don't know what he'll say if I asked him to come, will he turn me down? Say that he doesn't want to leave? Am I only forcing him to come? Is he fine leaving his family? These thoughts fill my head.

"If you wanted me to come, I'll follow you anywhere." [Blake]

"Thank you..." [Angelica]

I breathed in relief, after that we discussed it with my parents.

"Do you really want to be an adventurer?" [Steven]

"Yes, father." [Angelica]

"Ever since you took a liking to wielding a sword, I knew that you would someday leave us." [Steven]

Michelle and Blake are silently listening to our conversation.

"There are many hardships that an adventurer will face. You can be tricked, killed, turned into slaves or worse..." [Steven]

"Steven!" [Michelle]

Michelle was already at her wit's end when she heard those, she hit the table with both of her hands. Tears flowed down her face, she held my hand.

"Angelica! Isn't the simple life here good enough?!" [Michelle]

"Mom..." [Angelica]

I can't look at her. Her eyes showed fear and the reluctance of me to leave, she wanted me to stay...

"Umm... Mrs.Michelle." [Blake]

Michelle looks at Blake.

"I will go with her. You can rest assured that I will protect your daughter." [Blake]

"You will not abandon or leave her?" [Steven]

"Yes." [Blake]

He said that with determination. My parents can only look at one other.

For some reason. Blake, right now, looked very cool. I might fall for him, joke.

"To make sure that you wouldn't leave her. You have to do something for me." [Michelle]

"What is it?" [Blake]

"Marry, Angelica." [Michelle]

"Mo-mother?!" [Angelica]

"Heheh, I was just joking." [Michelle]

She teased me while wiping away her tears.

"Ugh... Angelica... Honey..." [Steven]

Father spoke to get our attention.

As we both looked, I saw Blake who was in a daze and was about to fall.


"Blake!" [Angelica]

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