I M Chapter 10

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When I open my eyes, I was staring at the ceiling and then looked at my surroundings. Beside me was Blake sitting on a chair sleeping.

Hmn.... am I bedridden? What happened to the village? Father and Mother; I wanted to ask Blake, but he was sound asleep.

Should I wake him? No... I'll let him rest.

Not wanting to disturb him, I moved out from the other side of the bed and tried to walk, but as I stood up my knees felt numb then gave way and I fell. The crashing sound woke Blake up and he was surprised to see me there lying on the floor.

"Angelica?" [Blake]

"Morning Blake..." [Angelica]

"Angelica!!" [Blake]

Looking at each other like a comical stint, Blake jumped out of his chair and hugged me. Hey-hey don't get carried away.

"I thought that you would never wake up!" [Blake]

"Huh?" [Angelica]

"Uhh sorry! You might not know it, but you were sleeping for a whole day." [Blake]

"A day?" [Angelica]

Blake helped me up and sat me down on the bed. He's overreacting it's only been a day, I would be surprised if it was a week or so.

"What about father... mother?" [Angelica]

"Don't worry, they're both fine." [Blake]

"The village?" [Angelica]

"Not so much..." [Blake]

"So... how many of us died?" [Angelica]

"Eight out of fifty-nine..." [Blake]

"I see..." [Angelica]

Of the fifty-nine people in the village eight have died, five were teens and three adults... I better pay respect to them when I recover...

"Can you stand?" [Blake]

"I just need some exercise." [Angelica]

As we talked I moved my feet back and forth as I simulated walking. After checking that I could walk well on my own, we both left the room.

As Blake and I were moving downstairs, I heard someone speaking loudly.

"I apologize! If we were only a bit earlier then the village might not have been attacked."

"No-no it's alright, you don't have to apologize."

When we got down. There was a person kneeling in front of mother and father, the person was a girl. She had silver hair with a ponytail that is tied nearer at the base and has silvery eyes.

"Angelica, you're awake?!" [Michelle]

"Hi mom..." [Angelica]

Michelle and Steven hugged me at the same time. When they finished, the girl approached me and suddenly knelt.

"I apologize to you for not coming sooner." [Girl]

"Ah-eh..." [Angelica]

I stuttered. I was surprised by her suddenly kneeling then apologizing, I didn't know what to say.

"Um... as my parents said it's alright." [Angelica]

"No! I heard that you were nearly assaulted by someone!" [Girl]

Who told her that?! I hope nobody gossips about that in the village... If they do I'll lock myself in my room...

"If only..." [Girl]

"Kate, it's fine." [Michelle]

"B-but P..." [Girl]

"Kate!" [Michelle]

Michelle raised her voice, it made the girl shudder and not finish her sentence. This is the first time that I heard mother shout like that, so the girl's name is Kate...

"Pardon my rudeness." [Kate]

"I was the same... I apologize..." [Michelle]

With that, they both bowed at each other. We then see her off, before she leaves, Kate gave me something and said that it was a present from her.

"Mother, who is that person?" [Angelica]

"She's Kate, a friend of me and your father's." [Michelle]

"Why did she give me a present." [Angelica]

"She is one of your godmothers." [Michelle]

"Ahh..." [Angelica]

So that's why she's really concerned about me and my parents, but she doesn't have to kneel...

Next day, the villagers were all working together rebuilding the village. As a girl, I was excluded from hard labor.

The only thing they let us do is either wash the dishes, do laundry or cook some food. In which I really find it boring, when I went out to get some fresh air, a group of villagers went up to chat.

"Morning Angelica."

"Good morning." [Angelica]

"Did you see how your dad fought the knights?"

"Dad can fight?" [Angelica]

"You didn't know?!"

They told me that Steven fought the knights using his pitchfork, he used it like a trident stabbing the knights, shoving them up and throwing them like hay. So doing farm work has their benefits I guess...

And Michelle using tactics to corner the knights. If I remember correctly, mother likes to play that game which is similar to chess in my world. We immersed ourselves in the stories of battle, then some adults scolded us for slacking off.

When I got back to the house I asked Michelle and Steven what did they do with the knights. Michelle said that the ones who died were picked up and burned somewhere, while the ones who ran are either captured or are still being searched for...

I asked Steven where they put the broken cutlass.

"Cutlass?" [Steven]

"Oh! The one you were holding?" [Michelle]

"Ahh yes, that one." [Angelica]

"We threw it out." [Steven]

"WHY?!" [Angelica]

I was surprised that they threw out something so valuable, is it that easy to come by? Is it cheap? If so I'll buy one using my lunch money.

"Is it important?" [Michelle]

"It's a magic sword!" [Angelica]

"Uhm... Angelica, there is no such thing as a magic sword..." [Steven]

"Eh??" [Angelica]

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