I M Chapter 5

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While running, I talked to Blake.

"Isn't it too sunny for a monster attack." [Angelica]

"I don't know..." [Blake]

Monsters, shy and timid little shi... ehem-ehem... creatures. It's rare for them to attack a village in daylight because they know that people are awake and active. They will most likely prefer to attack people who are in forests or caves since it will be easy for them to corner us or at night when we cannot see them.

The only time when monsters chose to attack the village in broad daylight is if it's either; powerful, large (size), in groups or just plain dumb. That's why Blake and I are worried...

When we got to the village what greeted us are not monsters, but... humans...

"Knights?!" [Blake]

We were both stunned at what we saw, knights attacking and pillaging the village. Why are they attacking? I don't know... there isn't even any strategic importance for a small village like ours, then we saw mister Gilford the town elder. Being dragged out of his home.

As the knight dragged him, he struggled. Then the knight had cut him down... blood splatters as his lifeless body fell on the ground making a pool of blood.

I gasped for air while covering my mouth. Blake looked at me as he heard me gasp, my stomach churned, I wanted to vomit. I wasn't used to seeing people get killed especially by another human...

When I saw that, I realized that my parents are in danger, without thinking I ran to the village towards our house.

"Angelica!" [Blake]

Blake shouted at me, but I didn't stop. At twenty meters we encountered a knight, who wore a full plate armor and helmet, complete with a visor. Holding a cutlass with one hand and a small round shield in the other, I dashed towards him.

He attempted to slash me horizontally as I close the distance, just before the cutlass would hit me I slid down below him. Without changing my speed, I made a 360* turn as I was sliding and used the momentum of the turn to exert more force to my strike.

I made a diagonal slash with all of my might. The knight lifted his shield to block my attack, but the claymore had hit with such force that it destroyed the shield cutting it in half.

My hands started shaking from the recoil of my attack. The recoil was so intense that I nearly let go of my sword...

Then, I remembered the knight, fatal mistake... My back is now turned against the knight, when I came to look, the cutlass was already slashing in an arc towards my neck... suddenly it was deflected by Blake.

"Are you alright Angelica?!" [Blake]

When he spoke, I came back to my senses.

"Y-yeah..." [Angelica]

I'm really thankful that Blake is there.

"Let's attack him both at the same time." [Blake]

At Blake's signal. We both initiated our attack simultaneously, we dashed towards the lone knight and Blake strikes the left while I strike on the right. The knight unable to defend from our attack due to my hit earlier, just braced for it like a turtle trying to hide in its shell, even though we failed to the eliminate the knight, we somehow managed to knock him out.

Our friends in the village were giving the knights a good fight, but since we're not well-trained our stamina and experience may be lacking. Also, the knights wore full plates while we and the villagers only wore cotton or leather.

"Blake! Angelica!"

A fellow villager shouted at us, they seem to need help. Blake looked at me, I showed him a smile. He nodded as if he understood what I was trying to say. Of all the villagers that I know Blake was the most experienced and can fight evenly without any armor.

He left my side to help them, while I took the fallen knight's cutlass, the claymore is too heavy and would just hinder my movement, I then ran to my home.

I entered the house and shouted "Mother! Father!" nobody answered... it was dead silent... I walked slowly and silently up the second floor so that if someone were to ambush me, I would be able to hear their footsteps. I checked if there were any bloodstains or bodies, nothing... did they manage to escape?

As I was about to exit the house and rendezvous with Blake, a large figure was blocking the door... it was a knight...

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