I M Chapter 8

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There was a loud impact. When I opened my eyes the knight was thrown off the other room and a hand held me up.

"Thank goodness you're safe..."

The person in question hugged me very tightly. I can feel the warmth radiating from his clothes. I am still in a state of shock so my processing power was slow, I looked at my savior. It was Blake...

I cried as he held me to his chest. When I calmed down he leads me outside and that was when...

"You fuuuuuuuuucccckkkk!!!" [Knight]

The knight recovered from the hit. He lunged towards us gripping a dagger, as he came nearer. Blake, shoved me to the side, to prevent me from being hit. The knight had tackled Blake and they both fell on the floor.

Blake got stabbed in the shoulder while protecting me. The knight was on top of him, exerting his weight to stab the dagger deeper into Blake's shoulder... while Blake used both of his hands to force it out.

"Aa-ack!" [Blake]

"You disturbed me from my enjoyment. I'm going to kill you slowly and painfully." [Knight]

Blake in is pain. At first, I was going to cast ▪Fireball▪ to attack, but with Blake being in close proximity to the knight the resulting explosion will take both of them out, so I avoided using it. I got up and tried to punch the knight again, this time on the head since he was busy taking on Blake.

"Damn bitch!!" [Knight]


"Ugh!" [Angelica]

The knight got pissed at me for hitting him and swiped at me using his gauntlets. I fell a few feet back and my jaws hurt like hell. I could taste the blood from my mouth. Blake and the knight were still fighting, there I saw the cutlass within arms reach.

I reached for it and started to run towards the knight to decapitate him. He heard my footsteps as I approached and saw me swinging the blade. He raised his arm just in time to protect his head.

"You! You piece of shit!" [Knight]

Then... when the cutlass hit the knight's gauntlet, the blade shattered, hurling sharp metallic projectiles at his face. The largest of the projectiles made a cut to his right cheek. He backed off while covering his face.

Why did it choose to break at this crucial time, was I too strong on exerting my swing or was it already this weak from being used too much?

I checked Blake, who was unconscious beside me.

"Blake! Blake!" [Angelica]

He isn't responding despite me shouting at him. His breathing was shallow... he has already lost so much blood from the wound.

I used ▪Heal▪ magic three times to close it, tiredness quickly spread throughout my body.

Different magic needs various amounts of energy, while I can cast ▪Fireball▪ eighteen times. Healing magic eats four times amount...

The knight was enraged at me because of the wound I had inflicted on him.

"This time, I'll make sure you're unconscious, after that we'll take you to the hideout and drug you till you break!" [Knight]

I stood up, my knees are shaking. I pointed the now half broken cutlass at the knight.

Here, I will make my final stand protecting Blake...

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