I M Chapter 73

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Again we stand in line. This time, overlooking the fallen city of Dalio.

Various races are present here. There are elves, dwarfs, demi-humans and us, humans. The other races are mostly adventurers, except for the knights who were all humans.

"My God."

"What have they done to the city..."

The people around me said in disbelief. We were dumbstruck at what we saw, I cannot help but think that this was once a city.

Most of the structures lay in ruins, except for a damaged few. What replaced them were tents, numbered by the thousands, made of what seems like animal hide.

Surrounding it was a wall of wooden barricade, three meters in height, laden with spikes made of wood and metal. At the distance, black smoke billows up from various parts of the city.

From here you can see movement within the city. Green colored humanoids moving about like grass being blown by the wind.

"Such an ominous sight." [Blake]

"There have been no records of a human city being overrun by orcs before." [Kate]

"This is the first then." [Maria]

"That would explain their reactions." [Steven]

"You both looked calm." I asked Kate, she doesn't seem to be bothered by sight of this monstrosity...

"We're normally sent out to exterminate orc villages. If you think that this is horrible, wait till you get inside of the city..." [Kate]

"What's that?" [Mooly]

Mooly, points to the city. There is a commotion from the orcs side.

The orcs started amassing. Then, they bring out three humans. Each was carried by... Three Orc Lords...

"Angelica! Your mother said to cover Mooly's eyes!" [Maria]

"O-okay!" [Angelica]

"Sis?" [Mooly]

I followed Maria's instruction and quickly covered Mooly's face. Did Michelle use telepathy on her?

The three orc lords, got up to a stage like structure. A few seconds later...

The first, ripped in half, like paper. Their innards rained on the orcs below the stage as they cheered...

The second, bit the head off and spat it out, after it went rolling off of the stage another orc picked it up and played with its mouth...

The third, stomped on the last... for each stomp, it painted the stage floor red. The orcs reached for the blood and covered their face using it as war paint...

These sick ass mother fuckers... is the best word that I could describe to them. Still, I'm somewhat thankful that they didn't use any women or children as an example...

It's not that I'm ok with seeing men get killed. When I saw them die, they were showing a brave front. They know that even if they lose their lives here, they knew that we will avenge them, but if it were a woman or a child... I wouldn't want to see the fear and dread in their eyes as they are...

"..." [Steven/Kate]

"Son of a..." [Blake]

"Monsters..." [Maria]

"Sister, it hurts." [Mooly]

I was speechless... I tightly covered Mooly's eyes with my hands, making sure that she couldn't even get a glimpse of what was happening.

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