I M Chapter 97

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Somewhere at the border of the Asta Empire.

"Stop if you know what's good for you!"


"Get him!"


"Lassie! Get!"

"Hahh... hahh..."

A boy was running through the woods trying to evade his pursuers. Wearing a flat brown leather cap, white long-sleeved shirt, and slightly loose denim pants whilst carrying an oversized messenger bag at his side.


The boy shrieks when the wolf pounced on him from behind. It gnawed at his shirt trying to tear it apart.

"Go away! Go away!!"

"Hey! Don't kill him!"

"Nah we're good. Lassie! Stay!"

At his master's command, the wolf stood still beside the child.

"You gave us a bunch of problems you know, but thanks to you we'll strike it rich!"

"Give me the bag!"



When one of the pursuers took the bag from him the boy tried to snatch it back, but the wolf stepped on him keeping him on the ground.

"What the heck is this? Herbs?"

"Can I see?"


"Aren't these the herbs they use to make healing potions out of?"

"Did we get the wrong person?"

"Nah, it can't be. Hey, kid!"


"Where did you hide it?"

The man kicked the boy in the stomach-turning him over.

"Hide what?"

Holding his stomach in pain, he glared at the person asking him.

"Don't play dumb. The empire wouldn't such an extravagant bounty on you if they don't have any reason to get you alive."

"Look through the bag thoroughly. He may have just hidden it somewhere inside, seeing that he was anxious to get it back."

One of the men tips the bag over dropping its contents on the ground. Then the man beside him picked something off of the floor.

"What's this small round thing?"

"It is more like an oblong shape though."

"I know that! Hey, runt."

Both of the men examined the object. Unable to understand what it's for they went back to the boy.


One kicked the boy for the second time in which the child nearly spat out, but it gave him the chance to slid his hand into his pocket.

"Tell us what thi-"


The child threw a thin glass ball at the wolf. When it hit, it broke releasing a dense smog.

"SON OF A?!"

"Violent smoke? Poison?!!"

"Antidote! Antidote!"

While his pursuers were disoriented. The child used this time to snatch his bag and escape.

After some time... the wolf was staring at both of the men who were holding their necks gasping for air while rolling on the ground.


"This is just smoke! We've been had!!"

The child ran as fast as he could till he got to the stream. Catching his breath he leaned on a nearby tree.

"What's that awful smell?"

Following the smell. He immediately covers his nose and mouth when he sees where it was originating from...

He saw with his own eyes, bodies floating at the stream. A majority of them had gotten stuck on the bank.

"The wolves had the scent!"

Hearing them nearby, he panics and shoves his bag into the hole of the tree he was leaning on. He then ran to the bank to where the bodies were.

"Where's the kid?"

"Dunno, Lassie led us here."

"What the fuck is that smell?!!"

Both of the pursuers immediately covered their noses upon seeing the bodies.

"Where did these bodies come from?"

"Judging from the current these may have come from the Pilapil Mountains..."

"Do you think they fell?"

"Who knows..."

"Oy, there's a chick here."

They saw a woman lying by the bank. Her wet golden hair covering her face.

"Too bad she's dead she was good looking though."


When one of the pursuers used his foot to spread the woman's legs open. A large arrow suddenly went past between them and hit the tree that was on the other side of the stream. The force of the impact made the tree lean over a few degrees.

"What do you think you're doing?"

There were five people by the trees. One had her mythril longbow angled at the ground.

They all wore magnificent clothing with the same rising closed fist crest by their left arm.

"The empire corps?!"

"Why are you spending time looking at a woman's privates instead of searching for the boy?"

"O-our apologies the wolf brought us here."

The woman angrily approached and questions them searching for answers.

"Artemis, I know that you are disgusted by these kinds of acts, but can you let it slide for now?"

"I'm sorry I lost my composure, Lionel." [Artemis]

"That's ok I understand why you did that." [Lionel]

"So the scent huh? Any idea where the kid went?"

"No... he may have crossed or swam down the stream..."

Another person asks the trackers but he felt unsatisfied with the answer they had given.

"What do you think Grant?" [Lionel]

"He couldn't have gotten far." [Grant]

"Hughes?" [Lionel]

"It would be much efficient if we split up. That way we can search more ground quickly." [Hughes]

"Do you want me to cast a web in the area?"

"Appreciated Lynette, but no need. By the time you finished invoking the kid may have been out of range by then." [Lionel]

"Understood." [Lynette]

"Well, then how about you guys?" [Lionel]

"We will uh..."

"Go back to town, we'll take over from here." [Lionel]

"But we took the bounty request first! If we go back empty handed we'll have to pay for the fine!!"

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