|55| - Put on your war paint.

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Terrified was an understatement. I wasn't terrified. No, I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. Not really. One minute I'm in the middle of that ring cutting my last promo on Maryse. The next thing I know I'm being carried away by Bray fucking Wyatt.  I caught a glimpse of the Shield frantically making their way through the crowd but they were far too late. Rowan and Erick were on each side of Bray, as he clung onto me and took me away from my safe haven; Seth. There we so many questions which were cork screwing their way through my mind. What were the Wyatt's going to do to me? Were they just going to leave me somewhere, or were they going to take me somewhere? Was this just a ploy so they could attack The Shield? Was I ever going to see the light of day ever again? I couldn't think for the life of me because of all these damn questions shooting themselves around my mind. Not to mention the overwhelming surge of panic, fear and the feeling of suffocation that had made my body numb. Bray's grip on me had become unbearable. We were now making our way through the hallways backstage. Yet, no-one was helping me. No-one was helping me out of the monstrous clutches of Bray. Clearly, Erick and Rowan were intimidating everyone who walked past us or who we walked past. My body was starting to shake uncontrollably now. I just wanted Seth. This wasn't fair. I shouldn't be dragged into this. I didn't sign up for this when I said I would be in a story line with Seth. They never mentioned I would be fucking kidnapped by the damn Wyatt family! Then I felt Bray jolt. He'd stopped walking. I suddenly heard him break out into a nightmarish laugh. 

'Silly, brave man' I heard Bray drawl. I couldn't see who had stopped in front of Bray. Had someone tried to stop him from taking me away? Then I saw Erick and Rowan disappear from Bray's side. Seconds later I heard a horrible crash. Bray started to walk again, and then I saw him. Dolph. Dolph had tried to stop the Wyatt's from taking me. That clearly didn't make sense, after all it was him who had aired the footage of Seth and Ashley. Maybe he didn't have a problem with me. But now, he lay in a heap on the floor, grasping his head. I managed to whip my head up and I saw the people we were passing. Crew members, who looked away from me as we passed. Their faces saying it all. They were terrified and that's why they weren't going to help. Why should they get hurt? That's what they were thinking. I saw Summer and Alicia as I was carried past the Diva's locker room. The grins on their faces were apparent. They were enjoying the fact that I was helpless and defenseless. The almighty Diva's champion in a situation where she couldn't get out of it. That she was essentially powerless. No other superstars had helped me since Dolph. They all looked away when the Wyatt's approached. Even Kofi Kingston, one of the sweetest people I have ever met, couldn't look me in the eye. They were all going to let me suffer in the hands of the Wyatt's, because they didn't want to get hurt. They were all willing to let me endure this nightmare, so they could get out unharmed. I could feel the panic gush up in me again and I couldn't breathe. The fear that I might not see Seth for a while was drowning me. He had got to be beside himself. We had all see Dean's reaction when he had been handcuffed to the ring's ropes last week on Smackdown. When he had been forced to watch Bray, this ungodly creature, perform Sister Abigail on Ashley. We had to watch as Dean fought, clawed and attempted to yank himself free as she lay there. Now, Seth was faced with me being taken away and he couldn't do anything about it. He must be going out of his mind. He'd blame himself, just like Dean had for Ashley. I wanted to scream out to Bray to let me go. To let me go free. To tell him to stop this and that I have nothing to do with his feud with the Shield. That they have nothing to do with me. That I have nothing to do with them. But, I couldn't. My throat felt as if it had closed up. I was struggling to breathe. It felt as if my lungs were seizing up. I had never been this scared in my entire life. Never. I felt numb. Numb to the point my mouth had remained shut into a line, and that my body has finally stopped shaking. It was shock now. I knew we were too far away from Seth, Roman and Dean. I was now stuck with the terrifying question of what was going to happen to me now? Then as if the Wyatt's had read my mind. They answered my question. I heard the sound of a door being unlocked. Darkness engulfed my eyes as I was brought into the pitch blackness. I felt Bray's arms unwind from me, and I was dropped onto the floor. I landed with a thud onto the hard floor and winced at the pain that shot up through my legs. I heard Bray's hair-raising laugh. Might I add, it's ten times fucking scarier when you're sitting in the dark and you can't see him. 

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