|6| - Dangerous territory.

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Ashley's POV 

Brie and Nikki came and found me after they had left the ring and after I had left AJ at the top of the ramp, hopefully humiliated. It felt good to finally get my hands on her. It felt good to finally get all that bad blood flowing between us. AJ had never really gotten over the fact that me and Phil had gotten back together in the story line. I think outside of the whole storyline itself, AJ actually did like Phil. I think she had fallen for him during the storyline, and from the gossip I'd heard among the diva's, AJ truly believed that something was going on between me and Phil outside of the business. Of course, I found this hilarious because nothing was going on between me and Phil. At least, I didn't think there was. 

'Thanks for coming out there and shutting AJ up' Brie said, as she sat on one of the crates and un laced her wrestling boots. Nikki nodded in agreement with what her sister had said. 

'It's fine. She deserved what she got, and at Night of Champions she'll get a hell of a lot more' I informed the Bella twins. 

'If I'm honest she's probably jealous because it's obvious Punk wants nothing to do with her, and it's pretty clear she hasn't forgot about their storyline they had. Even if it has been two years now' Nikki said, shaking her head. 

'Petty jealousy' Brie commented. I nodded. Because of my injury I had been out of wrestling in 2012 just after the Elimination Chamber, leaving Phil to be on his own. Daniel was having a feud with Punk, and AJ had suddenly thrown herself at Phil. She and Punk had a storyline which involved Kane. AJ had been toying with Punk, Kane and Daniel. Although, once she became General Manager and I had returned, she seemed to be giving Punk a bit of heat. I don't think she'd ever truly gotten over the fact that once I had returned that me and Punk were still in a storyline. Even if Punk had become a heel. The WWE universe had loved the whole idea of Punk being a heel and me being face, and the fact there was still a storyline going on between us. AJ had never gotten over that, storyline and real life. 

'Brie, Nikki is it okay if we interview about what just happened out there with AJ Lee?' Renee Young was standing behind Nikki, with a cameraman. Nikki and Brie nodded, and Brie hopped down from the crate and stood next to her sister. I stood out of the way and watched Renee interview the Bella's. 

'I'm Renee Young and I'm here with the Bella twins - Brie and Nikki Bella. Girls after what just happened with AJ. What is your reaction to what she had to say?' Renee asked moving her microphone in between the girls. 

'AJ Lee has ridden on the coat tails of WWE superstars. The list is endless of all the superstars she'd clung onto to try and get herself to the top' Brie spoke. 

'She claimed that she got into this business by being the best. She said that she's never sucked up to anyone. Honey, you've desperately thrown yourself at the men in this company. It's actually pretty pathetic' Nikki shook her head as she spoke. 

'You've rode on the coat tails of superstars such as Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Kane, Dolph Ziggler and many more. But, now you're trying to ride the coat tails of Total Diva's' Brie noted. 

'AJ Lee is nothing more than a jealous, psychotic and crazy lovesick little girl who's let all the attention off the superstars get to her head. She thinks she's saved this diva's division? No, she's ruining it' Nikki spoke looking at Renee. 

'At Night of Champion's AJ Lee is going get a dose of reality when she loses her title and has to crawl back to the crazy house she came from with her tail tucked between her legs' Brie smirked. 

'Thank you girls' Renee said, as the camera stopped rolling. I walked back over to the Bella's. 

'Nicely done' I praised them. 

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