PART 39:I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?arranged marriage

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It was almost like taking weed or something, that sense you get where everything is completely messed up and it feels way to good to be true.

As Sean and I walked up to meet the others, I was caught up in the atmosphere. The sound or true rap and rape and prostitution music, was blaring through invisible speakers as was the smoke, that was layering up to my shins in a foamy gas. It was magical.

Catching glances of a few people around, I noticed they were mainly older guys and a few really Jurassic fella's who seemed to be getting into the whole ecstasy more than the slightly younger guys.

I wasn't sure who the stripers would actually like more, a bunch of really old dinosaurs who smoked puffs of white coloured air out of their pipes, or a bunch of hormonal teens waiting to get pulled into this thing called marriage. Either way, they were getting paid, but the difference of the pay definitely depended on the people they were making happy.

Sean called at me over the sounds and I almost reacted as suddenly as I would have if it was Charlotte calling me. Spinning around, I clung onto his arm and gave him a glare.


He knew full ware that I hated places with big crowds, but he just thought it was hilarious.

Once again, Asshole.

"Hey Arch" Timmy stood and shook my hand, but not before giving me the whole man hug thing and sitting down to take a good ol' swig of his bunderburg.

"Hey man, how is it?" I returned.

Nodding Timmy raised his glass and smirked as a blonde hooters girl walked past and winked at him. Now, isn't that funny, a hooters girl at a strip club.

Hey, you learn a new thing every day.

At this point, Jamie had turned to me, a smirk appearing on his face when he saw me.

"Nice jeans" he commented.

Okay, I'll take that as a compliment.

You know, it kind of feels cool when a gay guy thinks you have 'nice jeans'.

Raising an eyebrow, I returned a smirk, mumbling a "yeah, you too" and sitting next to him.

The bartender took down what both Sean and I wanted and within a few minutes we were drinking our beers and talking about things, and by things, I mean how hot half the girls in the club looked, according to Jamie.

"So Arch, you get to choose for all of us because it's your special night" Sean winked at me and nudged me, so that I nearly tipped over my drink.

"Oh, joy" I raised an eyebrow.

"And we get to choose yours" Sean said in that same douche baggish tone.


"Fine then" mumbling, I got off the bar stool and made my way down to the dance floor covered in pink and red glowing lights and an array of exotic dancers and stripers, of course.

As I tore my way through their growling claws, I found myself in amongst them all with their fake-ness rubbing all over me.

I just want to go home, I thought to myself, really, really badly.

Walking over to the edge of the dance floor, I saw a group of ladies sitting with their legs lightly crossed and their hands against their bare skin, flaunting the fake-ness.

Taking a seat next to one, I smiled and brushed my hair out of my face, and flinging my arm against the back of the seat, I leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear.

I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon