Chapter 54

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It's been a few days since Kirsten left and it's been better but I still have a hard time sleeping.
"Layla have you tried just like warm milk or something?" Luke asks me at 2am.
"Yes it doesn't work." I say flipping through my phone at the hotel. Him, Ashton and I were sharing a room. He comes back from the bathroom and flops onto bed, falling asleep almost instantly. I got up and grabbed the room key off the dresser and went down to the lobby, I sat down my legs being wobbly just from the elevator ride. It was quiet.
"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" The front desk man asked me.
"Oh uh no I just can't sleep and don't wanna hear my fiancé and friend snoring" I say laughing a bit.
"Understandable" he says coming around the desk and sitting next to me. He was about my age, had blonde  2009 Justin Bieber hair.
"I'm Noah" he said. I came to a sudden realization that he looked a lot like me.
"What are you doing in a place like this?" I ask digging a little deeper. He doesn't have an accent.
"My dad owns a hotel chain and he's been going to each one staying about two nights and then flying somewhere else, it's stupid but I have to work, normally we're in LA or Toronto where he's from."
"You work at like the whole chain?" I ask.
"Ya it's crazy." I laugh.
"Hey kiddo ready to go?" I hear a male voice Speak from the doors, I look up to see a face a never thought I have to see all the way out here. My dad. He stops, looking at me.
"I see you met Noah" he says. Looking at me.
"Do you and my dad know each other?" Noah says.
"That's your dad!?" I ask.
"Ya..." he replies, he looks confused.
"Well Noah I guess I'm your biological sister." I say looking up at him.
"What..?" He looked like he was gonna puke.
"We need to talk Layla..." my dad says.
"Gimme a sec ok?" I walk back upstairs and open the room, I walk inside and grab my pillow and smack Ashton with it.
"W-what the?"
"My dad and my brother are downstairs I need you to come with me." His face drops.
"Did I just hear what I think I just heard?" Luke says
"Luke go get Calum and Michael, I need you all" Ashton starts to get dressed and Luke exits to get the others. I fill them all in and take my chair back.
"Thanks for waiting." I say wheeling up to where they were sitting.
"Thanks for agreeing to talk..."
"Tell me what you wanna say."
"Listen I know I was shit to you and your mom, I didn't reach out when she died but I couldn't face the horrible mistake I made, she sent me a message the morning she killed herself. It said how I was the reason she was going to do it and I left you both with nothing and she wanted you to live with someone who could provide you with your biggest hopes and dreams." I let a tear escape my eye but quickly wipe it away. I look to Noah who's looking at me with remorse.
"I'm sorry Layla and I know that won't bring back your mom but I fixed myself, I got sober, and clean, I met Noah's mom, I bought a hotel and made the business. I've been following the tour hoping to run into you."
"I don't know what to say, besides I want you to keep feeling sorry, you left us, you made my mom leave me." I look over to Noah he's looking at his dad with a disgusted face. I feel Ashton put a hand on my back. I put my hands on my wheels.
"Don't follow me. Goodbye Noah, it was nice talking to you." I turned around and went towards the elevator.
"Sorry for waking y'all up..." I say quietly.
"Layla, I'm glad I was there, are you ok?" Calum says.
"No but I have to sing at the show tonight and that will make me happy" I say getting off the elevator.
"Well I'm not sleeping anymore so let's turn on the tv" Michael says walking into our room. The only thing on was the news.
"Ariana grande and Pete Davidson split?!"
"Layla smith contract?"
"Everything you need to know is right here tonight." The announcers say.
"Every single fucking time I turn on the news!!" I turn onto my stomach and move closer to Ashton.
"At least it's not about assaulting a fan" Ashton says
"True" I say mumbling because I'm face first into a pillow.
"Layla smith is turning down contracts left, right and center? Multiple labels have approached her but all have been rejected because she's signed to hi or hey! The one her fiancé owns! What a shocker!"
"Hey! That's not true!" I say laughing slightly
"It could be"
My face drops.

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