Chapter 19

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We start walking or wheeling towards the exit of the airport.
"So what's the plan?" She asks referring to the surprise. I tell her.

When we get back to the car Calum is on one side of the bench seat in he back and Kirsten sits beside him. He reached over and touch's her boob by accident, he's still blindfolded.
"Hey Calum!" I say pretending it's me next to him.
"Oh my god I'm sorry!!" He says folding his hands into his lap. Kirsten is ready to explode with laughter and Michael is dying in the front seat.
"Wait what's the surprise where are you going now?" Cal says.
"Lunch." I say trying to be loud so he thinks I'm next to him.
"Oh where? The Olive Garden?" He ask.
"Yea!" Luke said making a left turn.
"Layla you smell really good today."
"Uh thanks Cal."

"Ok Cal let me out first ok?" I say motioning for Kirsten to get out. Ashton guided Calum out of the car and Mike grabbed my chair.
"Ok Calum stand right here" Ashton said placing him in front of Kirsten.
"Ok Cal you have three guesses as to who is in front of you without touching them." I say, I know he hates these kind of games.
"How the f-"
"Just guess!!" I say.
"I don't know Casey?" He says
"Uhhhh someone named Gerald?" He guesses again.
"Nope." I laugh a little.
"I have no clue! Kirsten!" He takes a wild guess, only the wild guess was right.
"Take off your blindfold." I say waiting to take pictures.
"OH MY GOD!!" He says hugging her. He lefts her up and she wraps her legs around him. He's missed her so much. I snap a few pictures.
"Ok love birds lets go inside before the paps realize we're here." Luke says. He's been kinda quiet all morning, it's not like Luke. We walk inside and get a table away from all the windows.
"So that was actually your boob I touched in the car?" Calum asked.
"Yea. And you said I smelled good so thanks" she says hugging him. He places his chin on top of her forehead and just stays like that.
"Can I get you something to drink?" The waitress comes over and asks. We all order are drinks.
"So In a week we go to Europe. And finish the tour!" Michael said. Crystal couldn't come with us because shes out with friends in the woods with Guess.
"I'm excited to finish but boy does it mess with your sleep, I've been awake for like 24 hours and I'm not tired." I say looking at Kirsten.
"Ya I think I slept that long while you gone. I was always bored, I would study all day." She explains.
"Well it's also not easy doing soundcheck and then a show. And then getting on a bus with three other guys." Calum says.
"Well hey at least we all have relationships so none of us are lonely." Luke says.
"Ok Lukas you still haven't said who your dating! You left that party with someone and have been on your phone smiling so much. The party was only two days ago!" I say kind of yelling.
"Sierra deaton." He says leaning back and smiling we half fangirl.

*Kirsten's POV*
We're all staying at the house in LA all six of us. I get up from where I have been all day. With Calum cuddling on the couch.
"I haven't seen Layla all day? Is she with Ashton and Luke?" I ask Calum.
"Not that I know of."
Ashton and Luke went to visit their friends this morning. I didn't think much of it since I'm not her babysitter. Her chair isn't in the garage which it normally is so she must have went with Ashton.

It's been a few hours and Ashton and Luke just got home.
"Hey where's Layla?" I ask since she's not with them.
"She was asleep when I left....." Ashton says getting worried.
"I didn't even think to check your room. I didn't really want to intrude." I reply. We both walk towards their bedroom. He opens the door slightly and peers in. Shes laying on the bed curled in a ball, we can hear her soft snores. We close the door and giggle.
"What the fuck did we do to her?" Ashton asks.
"Well she said yesterday she hasn't slept much so let her sleep." I say
"She gets pretty bitchy in the morning." He says taking off his shoes.
"Tell me about it! I lived with her for six months last year when I couldn't afford a house! Holy shit I think I got slapped at least twice every morning!" I say going back and sitting with Calum.

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