Chapter 12

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I took the boys back to my apartment.
"Wow!" Luke says.
"I know that it's not what your used to but I mean I got what I thought would last me a long time." I say putting my head down.
"I think it's cozy!" Ash says. I put my chair in its 'parking' spot.
"Uhm I only have one extra room...but I have one blow up mattress and Kirsten brought hers. So Ashton and I can be in my room and someone on the couch, guest room, and blow up mattress'." I say.
"Let's not worry about sleeping, let's go out and explore!" Michael says.
"we can go to the skywheel!" I say.
"What's that?" Calum says.
"It's a Ferris wheel!" Kirsten says.
"I know you like Ferris wheels Crystal" I say hugging her.
We leave and get into the two cars. We took both of our cars. We drive to Clifton hill.
"Whoa this place is cool!" Luke says.
"Ya it's nothing to me since it's five minutes down the road." I reply.
We walk over to the skywheel.
"This is cool" Crystal says.
"You should see it at night." I reply walking up to the booth to buy tickets.
"Hi I need tickets for the skywheel." I exclaim.
"How many?" She asks.
"Uhm 7 adults"
"That'll be $91" she says. My mouth kinda falls opens.
"Whoa! Ya I'm paying for this" Ashton says, stepping in and giving her his debit card.
"You ass!" I say slapping his arm.
"It's too much, I'm not letting you do that!" He says taking his card back.
"Ugh" I say crossing my arms.

It's been almost 8 hours since we got to Clifton Hill and we've had so much fun. It's now midnight. So we were driving back home.
"Hello everyone it's now Tuesday! We have a great start for you we're playing some Bruno Mars! This is a bit old. It's grenade!"
"I love this song" I say backing out of the parking spot. I started to sing every word. We're getting closer to home as it ends.
"I think that's the first time I've heard you sing in person." Ashton says while at me from the passenger side. Michael and Crystal are in the back.
"Ya I've never heard it in person either." Mike adds.
"Well I'm normally very shy when it comes to singing."
"You have a YouTube channel." Mike says.
"Ya but I was always singing into a camera. The people that watch the videos hear what I want them to hear sometimes it takes me three to twenty tries."
"That's just like in the studio" ash says.
"Ya but not on tour." I say parking my car in the underground parking. Ashton gets out a little too quickly opening the back hatch and getting my chair for me.

"I hate you" I say sitting in my chair.
"I think you mean thank you my love" he says in my ear. It gave me chills.
"K cmon you two love birds!" Crystal says turning back.
Ashton pushes me to the elevator. We stop on the first floor picking up the others. We go up to my apartment.

"Today was awesome!" I say flopping on my bed next to Ashton.
"It really was." He says leaning over kissing me. The kiss felt amazing. I didn't have to do anything. I crawled over top of him never breaking the kiss. I was still in a tank top and shorts but he was wearing just shorts. His hands move from my face to my waist slowly making their way to my breasts.
"Are you ok?" He says.
"Ya of course. Let's continue" I say kissing him again.

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