Sweet Pea and Cheryl #3

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Requested by bestofbugheaddd

The two didn't stop at a kiss. Sweat Pea picked her up and carried her to the sofa, and put her so her head was elevated by a pillow.
"Sweet Pea" she giggled. He smiled and went down on his knees so he could kiss her more and more. "Sweet Pea," she gasped between breaths," I take back what I said before... I'm definitely saying yes" he just smiled and continued to kiss her. She felt him push her further into the sofa, despite the uncomfortable position she continued to kiss him.
"You know," he started, "we could be doing this more often." Cheryl smiled and cupped his jaw.
"I would like that." Suddenly a voice called from down the stairs.
"Cheryl, dear. If your down there cover your eyes, I don't have a robe." Sweet Pea stopped kissing her and looked at her with these wide-terrified puppy dog eyes.
"Run," Cheryl whispered to him, and gestures to the closet behind them. Sweat Pea made a run for the closet, just as Penelope came down the stairs in nothing but a bra and panties. Cheryl gagged, making sure her mother heard her.
"Oh shut up darling, this is a glimpse of your future."
"Except I won't have a dead child and psychopathic husband."
"Oh Cheryl, say what you want. But after what you did, I think you can hardly call your father a psychopath." Cheryl rolled her and turned her gaze to her phone.
"Please go back to your whores den so I can host a small get together. Believe me, not even Archie wants to see that." Penelope left with nothing but a scoff, and Cheryl knocked on the closet, to tell Sweet Pea it was all clear.

While in the closet:
Sweet Pea shoved himself rashly into the Blossom's foyer closet, stepping on boots, shoes and his hair rubbing on coats. He ignored the foul smell of what he assumed was jingle jangle. He tried to distract himself  by singing Will i am's Scream and Shout, adding extra emphasis on "Britney Bitch," but it turns out you can hear conversations pretty well in her.
"Except I won't have a dead child and psychopathic husband."
"Oh Cheryl, say what you want. But after what you did, I think you can hardly call your father a psychopath."
Sweet Pea bit back his tongue, both to keep his presence unknown, but also this whole thing was a little funny.
After what you did. That's not funny. Sweet pea recalled Cheryl mentioning the terrible things she's done, was Penelope talking about the same thing?  Before he could think anymore, he was startled by a knock on the closet door.
"All clear," Cheryl's voice whispered from the other side.
"If its all clear, why are you whispering?"
"It seemed like the right thing to do."instead of replying, Sweet Pea opened the door and kissed her.
"I gotta run, red, but I'll see you tomorrow?"
"For sure." They kissed goodbye and Sweet Pea steppes outside in the pouring rain. He walked the stone driveway to his motorcycle and sped off to the south side of town.

"Sweet Pea," jughead greeted sweet pea as he stepped into the white wyrm.
"What's wrong?" Sweet Pea asked, examining the grim look on his friends face. Jughead led sweet pea to a table where Toni, Fangs, FP, and a few other Serpents were gathered, looking at a computer screen.
"What's going on?" He asked again to no avail. He turned to look at the screen everyone was observing. It was a video, not very well placed, the angle was off and you couldn't see very well. But you could see well enough to know who was in it. Undoubtedly, Cheryl's bright red hair and her plaid skirt, also her ass, sweet pea could identify that ass from a mile away. The other person, was that no good, jingle jangle dealer/ toupee artist Clifford Blossom. Sweet Pea watched, mesmerized by the footage.
"Do it, Cheryl" a third voice said, Penelope, "he killed your brother." Cheryl was crying, her arms crossed and pacing hastily. A rope was wrapped around Clifford's neck, and if it hadn't been for the barrel he was standing on, he would be suffocating.
"Cheryl, don't do it! I love you!" Clifford lied.
"Do it Cheryl" cheryl, finally breaking under the pressure, ran at the barrel, knocking it out from under cliffords feet. Cheryl curled up on the ground in tears. Clifford thrashed around for a moment, before going still. Soon the video was just the girls sobbing on the ground and Penelope's maniacal laughter.
"Oh my god," was all Sweet Pea said before running off the Thistle house once again.

Cheryl lay in her bed, reading Scarlet, she was particularly fond of the main character, guess she saw a little of herself in her. She was startled when there was a ring at the door. She went to answer it and saw her mother already had, assuming it was for Penelope she turned around, only to here her name called.
"Cheryl!" He shouted. "I know!" Cheryl turned around to face him, her mother no longer blocking the door. In her pajamas, Cheryl races down the stairs to sweet Pea and embraced him. She let herself fall into his arms and he held her there. She ignored everything but him, focusing on his heart beat, and despite the cold weather, his warmth.
"I've come to take you with me," he said, "would you like that?" She nodded, her tears spreading makeup all over her face.
"I'd love that." He smiled and pulled something out of a duffle bag she didn't notice he had.
"Put this on, it'll keep you warm for the ride." A bright cherry red serpent jacket stared at her. The snake no longer looked mean and ferocious, it now looked... familiar. And for the first time since Jason's death, she felt like she had a home.

Aww how heartwarming, this took a while Ik I'm sorry. A couple chapters left then I'm wrapping this book up. Hope you liked don't forget to tell me what worked, what didn't work and vote if you liked this ending ❤️❤️

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