Cheryl and Veronica

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Requested by: soleimye

Veronica wasn't sure why she couldn't love Archie. She wanted too, more than anything. But her feelings could not be forced, and it was crushing her. She tries so hard to put on a happy face, but the truth is- she's torn. Sometimes she'll be walking in the hallway and her heart will grow heavy, but she can never find out why. She'd tell herself that she wasn't ready, and that there were still things she wanted to do before she was in a serious relationship. One night she lie in bed, thinking, about what she could do to fix this. She wanted, no, needed to know why she was having a hard time falling for Archie.

In The morning she decided to go talk to her friends, to ask them for advice, she went to Kevin first.
"Kevin, can I tell you something. Confidential?"
He smiled.
"Of course. Let's go outside." He led her to the courtyard where they sat at a table facing each other.
"Kevin, I can't seem to fall in love with Archie." Kevin looked shocked at this revelation.
"But you've already said the L word!"
"And I meant it! In that moment. I didn't think it through." He frowned and made a tsk tsk noise.
"And you came to me, for advice on why you don't love him."
"Or how to love him." He gave a concerned look.
"Oh V, lets start with the basics. Have you seen any old flames recently?"
"Uh no."
"Have you felt your lower parts be drawn to another man?"
"Okay, sorry. Have you had any dreams about anyone you know in them?"
"Actually, yes," he nodded for Veronica to proceed, "It was about me, Betty and Cheryl. We went to this park, in New York..."
"Central Park?"
"No. As I was saying we went to this park and set up a picnic. Except Betty forgot to bring cherry wine, so she left to pick some up. And then the weirdest thing happened, I kissed Cheryl! Can you believe it?! Cheryl Blossom and me." Veronica's false excitement was terrible, and Kevin knew it.
"Sounds to me like you need to talk to Cheryl. Just invite her over and have a casual conversation. I'm sure she'll spend the night. She hates her mom, as do we all." Kevin stared through the wall before blinking and shaking his head to bring himself back to the real world, expecting an answer.
"Okay fine, I'll do it." Veronica agreed after minutes of him staring at her. "If it helps me love Archie."

"So Cheryl, have you got anyone special on your mind. You know a certain someone?" Cheryl smiled as she thought about it in her head. Yeah I do!
"There's one person that I kinda like." More like totally infatuated with!
"Do you want to tell me who?" Cheryl smiled, trying to keep herself from throwing herself at Veronica.
"I don't think I should. It might embarrass them."
"Oh. Can I guess?"
"You can try." Veronica smiled and thought for a moment.
"No! I'd never do that to Betty! I can be a stone cold bitch sometimes but I'm no tainter of love." Veronica let out a gasp of realization.
"Huh... It's Kevin!" Cheryl laughed and it took a lot of effort to answer.
" boy that would be the day! No it's not Kevin." Cheryl waited till she could speak again, and Veronica could sit up straight.
"Thanks for having me here, V. With everything that is going on it's really hard to be at home right now." Veronica gave a meaningful look, and for a few minutes they held a gaze.
"Uh so, how'd the midterm go?" Veronica broke the silence.
"Good. Math isn't that hard." Cheryl moved closer to Veronica, enough that she'd notice, but not so much that it would make her uncomfortable.
"Good." Veronica seemed nervous.
"It's not just me, isn't it? You can feel it too, the bond between us. It's different than your friendship with Betty Cooper. I'm the reason you don't love Archie."

Veronica couldn't admit it out loud, but this was true. Kevin was right, her bisexuality was holding her back. I guess I've got a thing for redheads.
"Cheryl..." Cheryl put her finger to Veronica's mouth.
"Let it be, Veronica. Let it happen, this one time. Live in the moment. Get it out of your system." Veronica was choking hard and almost had stroke when Cheryl leaned in and kissed her. Cheryl had her by the shirt and was gently pushing her back.
Veronica was closing her eyes, forcing herself to stay strong.
"Cheryl... I can't." Cheryl backed off and fell onto her knees.
"I understand. I'm gonna go, but you know where to find me." Cheryl stood up and gathered her purse before leaving her room. Veronica just stared after her in a daze.

     Veronica couldn't handle her parents pestering her about what happened with Cheryl Blossom just ten minutes ago, so she went out for a walk. The streets were bare, nobody walked alone at night, because the Black Hood was out there, so Veronica embraced the quiet. She flipped up her hood and tucked her hands into her pockets. She kept her head low, and one of her hands was gripping a pocket knife. The dampness of the night made her hair feel heavy, so she whipped her hair back. She noticed a car in front of her, about 10 feet away, with two people in it. Is that Archie? And Betty? Veronica squinted her eyes and confirmed her suspicion. What are they doing? They were looking at each other, Archie was about to leave the car, but then Betty kissed him. Archie did not refuse. No! They both left the car and sprinted into the graveyard, each holding a trowel. Veronica fought back tears. She didn't love Archie because she was infatuated with Cheryl. Did Archie love her? Or was he involved with Betty? Veronica started to cry, so she ran. She already had a destination, she just had to get there.

"Ding! Dong! Dune! Ding!" The Blossom's doorbell sounded and pulled Cheryl out of bed.
Who the hell could that be? She opened the door and a sopping wet Veronica Lodge stood there, hunched over and in tears.
"Cheryl I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, the truth is, I can't stop thinking about you." Cheryl felt her heart break free of its torment as she kissed Veronica, for real this time. Veronica shook off her coat and Cheryl work at unbuttoning her shirt.
"What changed your mind?" Cheryl whispered between breaths.
"You did. You were right. I need to live in the moment." Cheryl smiled and they flopped down on the couch. She tried to ignore the fact that her mother might hear them, or see them, because she was sure this would go somewhere.
"My room?" Cheryl offered.
"The floor is closer." Veronica said and dragged Cheryl off the couch and in front of the fire place. They pulled off each other's shirt, and lived in the moment.

Took me three days to write, nice and long over a thousand words hope you enjoy.

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