Cheryl and Toni #7

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Requested by: all the same people as last time, and Choniisreal

Jughead had his arms crossed and he leaned over to whisper into Toni's ear.
"You sure bringing a Blossom into the gang is a good idea?" Toni turned to look at him, wearing a look of disgust.
"Jug, don't forget that your girl Betty is also a Blossom. Do you doubt her loyalty? Then don't doubt Cheryl's." Jughead, taken aback, walked to stand beside his dad who also looked grim. Toni walked over to the front of the stage when Cheryl's name was announced. Everyone seemed to step back except Toni, who stared up at Cheryl, in a sexy black lingerie, as she took to the pole.

Cheryl had been rehearsing for the last half hour, she couldn't mess this up. She flipped her leg around and spun around the pole, trying to keep eye contact with Toni the whole time. She forced herself to not smile and laugh, she was doing the right thing, she knew she was. She tipped her head back and spun it to gain momentum to circle around the brass pole again. She put her hands together and shimmied down it, the pole rubbing against her chest. The dance was pretty sexual, but she was putting on a show for Toni, so it would pay off later. Before she knew it she had completed the dance, stopping to take a breath. FP took to the stage with a microphone, the wire running from the minibar to his hand.
"Thank you Cheryl! Once your guardian has signed a legal document you may receive a tattoo," Cheryl stiffened there was no way Penelope would sign. She didn't even know where Penelope was. "I'm just kiddin' Cheryl, for $200 one of us will do it for you, against the law." His final line seemed to with hold some sort of threat. He doubts my loyalty.
"I'll pay $300 if someone will take me outside and do it right now." The crowd jumped to their feet, offering their skills and ink. Cheryl walked over and grabbed Toni's hand to jump off the stage. "Set me up with the best artist, then meet backstage, I have to change." Toni raised her eyebrows and looked around the crowded room.
"As you wish. Fangs! You're up!" Still holding hands they left to go backstage, no doubt receiving rough looks from Jughead. I'm a Serpent now, hobo, you better accept it. Besides, I pertain the power to put an end to all your problems. Like Hiram Lodge. But Cheryl would never tell anyone what she knew. Her life was so good, and she couldn't ruin that for the boy in the beanie, who had never once shown compassion for her.

"You sure you want to do this?" Toni asked Cheryl, who was sitting down in a chair with her sleeve pulled.
"Yes I'm so sure." Fangs walked in and laughed,
"I hate to break it to you, Red, but female tats don't go on their arms." Cheryl had a look of confusion.
"Then where do they..." she remembered quite well where Toni's was.
"There's the sofa, lie on your belly, pull up your shirt and pull down your pants, but not all the way. Because apparently that happened once." Cheryl did as she was told and lied on her belly. She rolled her top up to half length and set her head in the pillows.
"TT, would you mind pulling my leggings down a little ways?" Cheryl said flirtingly.
Cheryl felt Toni's nails against her skin as the grabbed the rim of her LuLu Lemon Aesthetics and slide them down a little.
"Okay maybe you guys should bang first, you know get rid of this energy, and I'll come back another time, when I'm not a third a wheel.
"Sorry Fangs, you may proceed." Cheryl called from the pillow. She didn't understand why she had to have a pillow, until the needle went in her back. Toni laughed a little when Cheryl let out a whimper of pain, so she went over and sat on the ground next to her head. Toni grabbed Cheryl's hand and let her squeeze it, Toni tried to relax and take in the night.
"This has been quite the night, hey Cheryl?" Cheryl didn't reply, well not to Toni anyway.
"What are you doing here? Where's mother?"
"Oh Cheryl, you chased her away, remember? But let us catch up, because I haven't been to fond of your behavior lately." Toni released Cheryl's hand and drew her switchblade.
"Fangs, keep working, I'll handle ol' Uncle Claudius here." Toni said when she was face to face with the man who had already caused enough trouble in Riverdale.
"Oh, Antoinette, hasn't anyone ever told you? Don't bring a knife to a gun fight."

This one is shorter but I had a good cliff hanger opportunity so I took it, naturally. Do you like the new book cover? Let me know and I hope you enjoy, don't forget to request!!

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