Cheryl and Archie #4

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Requested by Sarahkate12355 lexibexie1456

"You know she's Betty's cousin right?" Jughead asked Archie, just a little concerned. "Like if all goes well we'd be related."
"Dude if we were related our wives would be very unlucky, but they'd have good neighbors." Jughead laughed.
"Oh Archie, Betty and I wouldn't live in Riverdale, we'd go someplace far,
perhaps Paris or Maine."
"Why do you wanna live in Paris or Maine?"
"We wanna explore the world, there's more to see than just the darkness of Riverdale," Jughead explained.
"I guess your right, maybe, maybe I could get Cheryl to go to Oklahoma, or Austin." Jughead shook his head in dismay. "Good luck with that," he laughed.

Cheryl opened her eyes and rubbed them. She stretched her arms into the air and let out a large yawn. She looked over, expecting Archie to be there, but he wasn't, he was gone. She sighed and sat upright, releasing an unflattering burp. After getting the strength to stand up she put on some shorts and a T-shirt before heading downstairs. To her surprise Penelope was standing by the island eating an English muffin. "Mother What brings you back so early?" Penelope put down her breakfast and gulped.
"I'm not well, Cheryl."
"Gee I wonder why that would be."
"No, Cheryl, I mean it, something's wrong. I feel like I'm missing something."
"It's god playing Sims, mom, you'll get over it." Suddenly a spark lit up in Penelope's dark eyes. "Cheryl," Cheryl sighed and turned to look at Penelope.
"I didn't get my period."

"No. Uh uh. No way in hell am I letting you raise another a child. After you messed up with me and JJ, I think Hiram Lodge would be a better guardian." Penelope didn't look hurt, just offended. The older red head dipped from a glass of water, looking like she might vomit at any moment.
"I'm going to the store." Cheryl said as she left the kitchen.
"What are you getting?"
"Birth control and a pregnancy test. Don't go anywhere, or I swear I'll send the cops after you. I mean it." Penelope said nothing and continued to sip her water. This had Cheryl slightly annoyed, why couldn't she intimidate her mother? The answer would have to wait, she needed to call Archie.

Archie took a bite of his double patty burger from Pops as his phone started to buzz. He put down the burger and pulled it from his pocket, two missed calls and seven messages from Cheryl, all of which were her trying to call him. Archie swiped to call back and Cheryl picked up right away.
"Yep," he mumbled as he chewed.
"Where you at?"
"Pops, getting lunch with Jug," jug winked at him from across the table.
"Okay, there is a slight chance my mom is pregnant." Archie spat out the food in his mouth, receiving a disgusted look from Jug.
"What the hell man!" Jughead leaped up and brushed himself, Archie stuck up his index figure to put Jug on hold.
"What? Your mom is pregnant?"
"She might be, anyway I'm on my way to get a pregnancy test and some pills, I forgot my wallet at home, think you could spare me some cash and I'll pay you back at Thistle House?"
"Of course, I'm on the way." Archie re wrapped his burger and put a five on the table.
"Gotta go Jug, let's do this again sometime." Jughead, looking like a confused idiot, stood there waving arms, trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Archie raced out to his truck in the parking lot and started the engine. I'm coming Cheryl, he thought as he backed into the street.

Cheryl stood in the line at the pharmacy awkwardly holding a box of pregnancy tests, condoms and a new hairbrush. The hairbrush was necessity. She was quite aware of the awkward looks she received from other customers, but used her devilish grin to ward them away, she may have changed, but Queen Bombshell was still there. And when she needed her, Queen B would come back. Ugg why didn't I get these last?! She heard the chimes of the door and watched her favorite red head race up to her. "Here's, $30? Is that enough?"
"Got no clue, give me $50 just in case." Archie gave her another twenty and stood beside her in the line. When they reached the pharmacists desk they awkwardly asked for the pill.
"Sure no thing," The kind lady said before she went to the back.
"Everyone probably thinks we are teenage sex addicts or something," Archie whispered into her ear.
"Trust me, I've been frightening off pervs for the last ten minutes." They stifled a laugh shortly but stopped when the pharmacist came back.
"Here you are, that'll be $34.99, would you like the other items too?" Cheryl put the items on the desk and waited while she scanned them into the computer. "Your total is $62.95." Archie pulled another twenty from his wallet and they put the cash on the counter. They left the store with a plastic bag that was much see through.
"Quick let's get this to my mom before it's too late." Archie unlocked the car and helped Cheryl inside.
"Let's go," he said before driving back to thistle house.

"Good your back," Penelope said as Charchie walked in.
"Here's your accessories mother, take the test before the pill bc if your not pregnant you'll just ruin your schedule. Penelope pulled a test out of the box and looked at it, then at Cheryl. "What?" Cheryl asked.
"What is this?"
"Holy hela, that's a pregnancy test mom."
"They did not look like that seventeen years ago." Cheryl rolled her eyes.
"Archie, while I help my mom PEE ON A STICK could you run upstairs and grab my wallet, just take what I owe you."
"Oh it's fine..."
"No. I won't owe you,  just go get it, I'll only be minute." Cheryl followed her mom to the bathroom and Archie made us way upstairs. He went into Cheryl's room, the bed was still un made and Cheryl's clothes were every where. She had a lovely morning. He thought sarcastically. He found Cheryl's wallet sitting next to a folded paper on the vanity. It's the drawing she wouldn't show me. He thought for a moment about whether to open it or not, and after careful consideration and checking to see if she was there, he did. He unfolded the thick sketch paper careful to be as quiet as possible. He took in the image on the paper, not at all what he expected. It was an accurate image of Cheryl, kissing, Josie?
"Oh Cheryl," he whispered. He stared at it for a while, just looking at it and thinking. It could mean anything. He decided. Suddenly Cheryl was at the doorway, wearing a shocked expression.
"I see you found my picture," she said sullenly before coming up to him. "Archie I guess I should've told you, but..."

Until next time. Hoped you liked this chapter, I did, little more fun, less serious. Let me know if you want another, I mean I think I'll do another later anyway but requests get done first so... yeah you want a chapter, don't wait! Request!! That's all for now, good morning, good evening and good night.

But She's So Mean! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu