Cheryl and Archie #5

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Requested by lexibexie1456 and Sarahkate12355

"I'm bisexual. And I used to have a major crush on Josie, i guess because at one point she was my only friend, and on my side things got a little weird. But I'm over her now, I have been for a while. Will you forgive me?" Archie stared at her in disbelief.
"Forgive you? Forgive you for what? Cheryl you did nothing wrong! You're allowed to have a crush, it's normal, so no, you are not forgiven." She smiled and came over to him, wrapping each other in a comforting hug.
"You're the best, you know that?" Cheryl squeaked.
"I do now." They shared a kiss before pulling apart and returning downstairs to Penelope, to see if the results of the test were in. When they came down the stairs they saw Penelope with a gaped mouth sitting on a barstool.
"What's the verdict mother?" Cheryl asked, she was always so bold and firm with Penelope, Archie liked it.
"I'm having a boy," Penelope said, receiving looks of confusion from the teenagers.
"Mom, what are you talking about?"
"It turned blue, that means I'm having a boy." Cheryl sighed in frustration.
"Mom, that is not how this works. If it turns pink your pregnant if it turns blue you're not, so you are not pregnant, thank god."
"Did you always think it worked like that?" Archie asked.
"Yeah, back when I was pregnant with the twins, it turned pink, so I thought I was having a girl." Cheryl stared at her mother in disbelief.
"A girl? You knew you were having a girl?"
"Well obviously I didn't because..."
"You were still planning for a girl then? You're telling me that after seventeen years of being called the 'mistake' you had planned for me all along?" Penelope looked at Cheryl with wide eyes.
"Cheryl I don't know what to say."
"Of course you don't. You never do, even when dad would slap my wrists and tell me to burn in Hell. People don't change mother, I'm so glad you're not pregnant, one less person that has to know you." Cheryl turned and ran up the stairs, soon after Archie followed her into her room and sat on the bed beside her, comforting her. I will put you back together, he thought, like he once had. It just takes time...

Cheryl plopped down on her bed and Archie plopped down beside her. "What a day," she groaned.
"Tell me about it," he said, not the angry, tired way, but in a way he generally meant it.
"About what?"
"Your dad, you're past, I can't help you if you have secrets." They rolled over to face each other, holding hands parallel to each other.
"When I was five, I forgot to clean the bathroom after I was sick. I had some sort of sickness, I lost control of my bladder and my emotions. It lasted two weeks. And every damn day my dad would come up the stairs. 'Get up Cheryl,' he'd said, 'there's work to be done' he told me. Even though I was supposed to be in the hospital I had to scrub floors, clean toilets and make beds. Then I'd have to do it all over again because I..." she drifted off, before starting again. "I was nine when he started to physically abuse me. 'Jason is in such great shape' he would rant. He'd ride a golf cart around the yard when I ran, hit me with the cart if I stopped," she lifted the back of her legging to reveal a small scar on the back of her leg, it had no feel, but you could see it, and imagine the pain. "Grade nine, I was fourteen when mother caught my and Heather, my best friend, my first crush, in the same bed together. She screamed at us, made us feel like we were wrongful, sinners. Told us we'd be banished to hell if we didn't stop. She called me deviant, loveless, I never thought I'd recover from that." Archie stared at her, his warm colored eyes pulling together the broken pieces within her.
"Cheryl you're not loveless, you're not deviant, you're you, and that's okay. I didn't fall in love with the girl your parents wanted you to be, I fell in love with the girl that was left from their torcher. No one, I mean no one, will ever hurt you while I'm alive, I mean it. I promise."
Cheryl glowed, she had the best boyfriend in the world and she was in a good place right now. So why did she feel like there was something missing? Something wrong? Archie leaned in to kiss her but she stood up and walked back to the dresser where the picture of Josie was still neatly folded by her wallet. She picked it up and held it for a moment, before turning to Archie and ripping it to pieces. She let the shards of pulp fall to floor in a messy pattern.
"I'm yours, Archie," she grinned, "all yours."

Penelope listened in disgust as noises came from Cheryl's room. "I knew the Andrews boy would be no good for her, girls go from smart to slut when their with him." She contemplated knocking on the door and ending it when she thought about what Cheryl had said earlier. "People don't change mother... one less person that has to know you" Cheryl, She thought, is that really what you think of me?

Another Charchie off the list, let me know if you want another chapter of this. Next is a Kangs/Fevin chapter, the second one, and after that is Archie and Jughead #3, hope you enjoy 😊

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