F.P and Alice #3

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Requested by Celine_CooperJones

FP always thought the hardest thing he's ever been through was the day Jellybean and her mother had left to make room in the trailer. But the truth was, that day he was a little relieved. His wife was always nagging him, never accepted him as part of the Serpents. But the truth was, the hardest thing he'd ever been through was Alice Cooper's wedding day. Why? Because he wasn't the groom. He wasn't invited, even though Alice had told him she wanted him there. But she was becoming a North Sider, and he was from the Southside. Two completely different worlds. But then, Jason Blossom died, turning Riverdale into a darker, more unhappy place. This new place wasn't meant for families to stick together, it was meant to break them apart. First the Jones, then the Blossom's, the Lodge's, the Cooper's and apparently now the Andrews. Those weren't even the only families, apparently the McCoys and the Keller's were filing for a divorce. But this chaos brought FP the best times he's had in a while. All because Alice Cooper was divorced, and in a relationship-with him. He missed her Serpent tattoo, and for the first time in a long time he got to see it, still vibrant and clear. He worked at Pops and she worked... where? He'd assumed Hal would have ended business with her, but she hadn't said anything. I'll ask her tonight, he decided.

"Wait what?" Betty's crossed arms and rueful look we're enough to make Alice uncomfortable.
"Hal is probably Chic's biological dad, but he's not his father. FP was your father, he came to the doctor appointments, the classes and he was in the room when you were born, and then Hal came back, professed his love for me and I believed him. I dumped FP the day I gave birth to you, the day I gave you up... I will never forgive myself for that." Alice explained, again. Chic stared at the ground, aimlessly, while Betty shook her head.
"You lied to the government?" Betty asked.
"Well yeah, but it's okay, it's better this way." Alice argued. Betty shook her head and walked over to Chic.
"Mom, do you just realized what happened? You just pissed off Dad, owner of the news paper. Mom, he could expose you, you could go to prison." Alice felt her stomach get heavy, so she sat on the stairs. She felt Betty start to rub her back.
"Betty I..." she trailed off.
"Mom it's okay, I know what Love feels like. And FP is amazing, hashtag Falice for life." Alice could barely hear Betty's comforting words, she was too lost in thought.
"Probably?" Chic asked, breaking his silence.
"What?" Alice asked, surprised.
"You said Hal was probably my biological father. Probably." Alice felt another glare from Betty on her back.
"Mom? Have you told us the whole story?" Alice rubbed the tears from her eyes.
"In high school, I went to a party and hooked up with FP, while I was dating your father. The same night I went to the drive in with your father and..." Betty let out a grunt of disgust before Alice continued," Well anyway I never told Hal about me and FP, so when I got pregnant I pretended that I was sure it was his. But I guess after seeing Chic I had some doubt. I mean look at him Betty, he doesn't have Cooper blood in him. Anyway I broke up with your father before prom and FP took me under his wing. The rest is history." Betty stepped over Alice, in order to face her.
"Mom. You need to tell FP. Chic is his son! Wouldn't you want to know that I was your daughter?" Alice nodded,
"You're right, I'll tell him tonight."

FP sat at the bar, tapping the side of his glass with anxiety. Where is she? I've been waiting twenty minutes! He glanced around the restaurant nervously when he spotted her coming through the door. Her face was swollen and red, like she'd been crying. He stood up and immediately went to her.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asked, grabbing her hand.
"FP, I need you to sit. There's so much I need to tell you..." She continued to tell the story she had told Betty and Chic. Before the end she pulled out a paper, a copy of a Birth Certificate. On it was Charles Jones-Alice Smith and Forsythe Pendleton Jones.
"Alice, why are showing me this?" Alice took a deep breath.
"FP, this certificate isn't a lie. Chic is your son." FP's heart skipped a beat and looked at the paper. He remembered he and Alice at the party. The delivery room. They're moments as Serpents. How they had ruled their world, their way. "FP I'm so sorry, I get it if you don't want this anymore it's just at the time..." FP cut her off with kiss.
"Alice, you don't think I'd leave you for this, do you?" She shrugged sheepishly. "Look at me," he grabbed her shoulders, "there is nothing you can do or say that will make me leave you. We are in the same world now, we will make this work. As for Chic, I'm not going to force anything on him. This will be news to Jughead but we all know how dramatic he can be."
"Damn you FP. Why do you got to be so damn perfect?" Alice said with a smile, before kissing him and taking a drink of his Scotch.

They were in the same world now. There was no Northside and Southside. There was just Riverdale, and newly returned Serpent Queen.

Hope you enjoyed this new Falice Chapter, the pieces are coming together! Actually I make this up as I go so I have no clue what's going to happen next, so vote and comment if you want more Falice. Happy writing!

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