Cheryl and Toni #11

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Oi. I'm pissed. This weeks episode was good, but they lacked Choni. They lacked Cheryl. They lacked Toni. I'm so angry, just give the fans what they want already. But on the happy note, #Faliceisreal and #Halisprobablytheblackhood. So here is Choni because we've been deprived of it.

  Cheryl applied her lipstick and made sure her shirt wasn't tucked into her leggings. She hated Phys ed, changing was such a burden. She would do her hair all nice just to have it wrecked by a hard workout. The upside to changing was she got to change right next Toni, and when no one was looking they could have a little fun. Toni smiled as she leaned against the gym locker, with just her sports bra and leggings, Cheryl pressed up against her, kissing her from the collar bone up.
"Do I get to stay at your place tonight?" Toni asked as Cheryl kissed her neck.
"I would love nothing more." Suddenly they heard the door open, and Josie-followed by Melody and Valerie-entered the room.
"Ugh, are you kidding me, Cheryl, we shouldn't have to walk into the girls change room and close our eyes." Cheryl pulled herself away from Toni, wearing a simple, happy, grin.
"My apologies, ladies. It won't happen again," Cheryl threw Toni a wink before returning to the bench and tossing Toni her shirt. The Pussycat's spread out across the room, keeping each other within eye view, keeping
Choni within eye view.
"It's like we have a babysitter," Cheryl whispered. Toni nodded and put on her shirt. When they were changed the hooked arms and proceeded out to the hallway. Toni walked with Cheryl to her locker and waited for her to get her things. They were dismissed from PE early enough to have time to get their things together, which was nice, and the hallways not being crowded was nicer. After Cheryl received her binder she walked with Toni to her locker.
"This is nice," Cheryl said as they made their way pass the chem lab.
"It is, for once I don't feel like we're in a zoo," Toni replied.
"Yeah, I wish life could be like this all the time. Before the black hood, before my fathers' murder, before Jason's murder."
"Your father's murder?" Toni asked. If possible, Cheryl went even paler and wide-eyed.
"Toni..." She started.
"Cheryl wait, are you sure this is something you should be telling me?" Cheryl turned to Toni, her eyes looking glassy.
"I don't know."
"Then let it wait for tonight and we can enjoy the silence." Just as Toni said 'silence' the bell rang and the halls flooded again. Cheryl laughed and Toni flushed, so much for that plan! They arrived at Toni's locker, shared a kiss, and parted ways.
"See you tonight!" Toni called after her read head. I got real lucky with that one.

"Wait, What?"
"There's been some students who have complained about you and Miss Topaz's relations, during school hours." Toni stared at Weatherbee in disbelief.
"Describe 'relations' for us, will you?"
"Well typically, there are students who don't agree with your ways of showing affection, so I'm just telling you, you have to tone it down at school."
"Uh Huh, so what would this entail, for us?" Cheryl asked. Toni could see her getting angry, and quite frankly, Toni was upset too.
"Well, no kissing in the hallways, or in class, and definitely not in the change room." Change room, this was Josie's doing, no doubt about it, and by the look on Cheryl's face she figured the same thing.
"Um, what? We can't even kiss in the hallways? Would you have told a straight couple not to kiss in the hallways?" Toni argued.
"Miss Topaz, it's just procedure..."
"Procedure? You've got to be kidding me. More like prejudice. Tell me, if I were dating a guy, or Cheryl was dating a guy, would we be allowed to kiss in the hallways? Or in the parking lot?" The principal, now looking weary and angry looked at Toni with a look of authority.
"Miss Topaz, I assure you, that if you were to complain about ANY couple, the same actions would be cast upon them." Toni sighed angrily and collapsed into her chair. She noticed Cheryl, with her arms cross and eyes glassy.
"Fine then," Cheryl said, "I'd like to complain about a couple."
"Reggie Mantle and Josie McCoy."
"And why?"
"Because I saw them, in his car, during school hours."
"Doing what in his car?" Cheryl didn't reply, she just tilted her head and smiled.
"Nice talk, Weatherbee, don't forget about my complaint, I expect it to be acted on soon. And if not, well I wouldn't mind having a bit more cash to fill my pockets. Because lawsuit is a great way to earn money." Cheryl left the room, leaving Toni behind-who just shrugged and followed her. Cheryl wasn't heading back to class, she was heading for the door.
"You going home?" Toni asked her.
"Yep," she replied in haste as she stormed through the corridors. Before Toni could stop her Cheryl pulled out her lipstick and went up to Josie's car.
"Cheryl? Cheryl don't!" But Toni's words held no power, but she didn't want them to. She was perfectly happy staring at the bright red letters on Josie's windshield.
Bitches Get Stitches. Watch your back, McCoy.
Cheryl stormed off to her car and Toni went to her bike. She put on her helmet and followed Cheryl's Flamingo out of the parking lot. She was very careful to leave a note on Mantle's mirror.
"Don't mess with Serpents," she said to herself, "because unlike yours, our bite is made of venom."

Sorry this was short and it took a long time to write, I've been in grief after watching the infinity war movie. That and I've been sick. So, enjoy!

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