Alice and F.P #2

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Requested by TheFalice

First I want to apologize for the last two chapters- I was quite angry as you can tell. So imma hold onto my high hopes for "The Hills Have Eyes" And watch it tomorrow.

This takes place current Riverdale as the last chapter for Falice was a flashback. This is for all your Falicey needs.

F.P was guilty. Not for the reasons you'd think he'd be. He was guilty of flirting like crazy with Alice. He denied it, saying they were "just friends" but everyone knows differently. They should be together and that was his strong belief, he and Alice were forever. But Alice was all about family, she'd hold onto Hal just for the sake of family- even if her family wasn't a good one. I should talk to her. He decided while riding his bike to Pops for work. He entered and the chimes rang as he took his place behind the counter. He bent down to put his bag in one of the shelf's underneath the island and when he looked up he saw his first customer staring at him, flirtingly, on the other side of the counter.
"One chocolate milkshake, please, and I have something for you." Alice said as she leaned in close to his ear.
"Take this." She handed him a piece of paper over the counter.
"Here's a ten, keep the change." She winked at him before taking a seat next to Chic and Betty. He most definitely was not staring at her ass as she walked away. No way.


Alice checked the time on her phone- 8:05-where is he? Just as she thought it she heard the engine of motorbike pull up to the sidewalk.
"It's late- you shouldn't be out here all by yourself," he said removing his helmet.
"Well its a good thing I have you to protect me." He chuckled then let loose a sigh.
"Alice what are we? We flirt like all the time- even in front of your husband- I am constantly feeling the need to kiss you, but yet, you're holding on to your marriage. I can't keep doing this Alice, it's too hard." Alice frowned.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk about, out here where no one can here us. F.P I am getting a divorce with Hal. He's been sleeping with Penelope, he is rude to Chic and... there's someone else I've got my eye on." She looked him up and down, wishing she could see his abs through his shirt. He stared at her, trying to with hold his glee. "Now come, I've got another surprise for you." She led him through the park, down an old almost overgrown path that still bore marks of fire. But the glade at the end was still the same, the grass was lush, there were no potholes or rocks. The trees canopied, revealing the starry night sky.
And in the center was a checkered blanket- with a straw basket in the corner, two wine bottles visible in the moonlight.
Alice rushed over, removed her socks and sat on the blanket.
"I set you up on a blind date," she said, "I'm the lucky girl." F.P smiled and sat down beside her.
"Shouldn't we wait till after the divorce to go on a date?" He asked.
"Hal didn't. I can't wait any longer, it's to hard. That day I broke up with you was the worst decision in my life. I can never get back that lost time, but I can try to make up for it." He stared into her eyes as she poured the wine into two glasses.
"Alice," she turned to look at him. Before he said anything else, before she said anything else, he kissed her. Now they were both used to the cold, so what came next wasn't so hard.
"We can eat later," Alice hummed under F.P's soft embrace.
"Yeah, that can wait." And for the first time in a long time, Alice was truly happy.

"In a relationship? What does this mean by 'in a relationship'?" Hal was scolding Alice because of her Facebook status, and she wouldn't lie to him. She needed this divorce, she needed him to leave.
"Yes, because as a matter of fact I am." He scoffed and rubbed his chin.
"Alice we are married, I'm not so sure you understand that anymore." Alice gave him a stern look.
"Oh shut it Hal, we all know you've been sleeping with that slut up at Thornhill, so last night I had some fun of my own. Marrying you is my biggest regret." Hal looked somewhat offended, but he said nothing else, he just stormed out of the house. Alice released a sigh of relief and sat on the stairs.
"Mom," Betty asked around the corner, "is that it? Dad slept with some else so you did too?" Alice turned to Betty.
"No Betty, it's two very different things."
"Because what I have is love, something I never really did have with your father. And just yesterday did I realize that." Alice pulled a small crumpled Polaroid photo out of her pocket, a picture of her in the hospital, holding Chic as a baby. He was Hal's son, but she had medical records that said otherwise. At the hospital she had gotten F.P to sign as the father, and that was why Hal was so bitter. He'd lost his only son to "Serpent Scum" as he'd say it, but Alice knew otherwise. The Serpents weren't scum, they made Riverdale.
"Chic," She called to the adrift boy in the kitchen, "I have something to tell you."

I feel like is short but idk. Hope you enjoyed and comment if u want another chapter.

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