Fangs and Kevin #2

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Requested by southsidevixen

"This is a date right?" Kevin asked before taking a bite of of his burger.
"If you want it to be," Fangs smiles in return, looking deep into Kevin's eyes.
"Well as a matter of fact, I do," Kevin flirted.
"Good, cause so did I." Fangs replied, smiling. They paused the talking to eat some of their meal, which by the way, Kevin liked. Most people would go ahead and talk while eating, which annoyed him. But Fangs didn't, and that was a good-great-quirk.
"So what was your childhood like, Fogarty?" Kevin said when he was halfway through his burger.
"It was alright I guess. My Dad died of alcohol abuse when I was 9, my sister left to Hollywood to go find a better life and my Mom kicked around till she was 43 and joined the ghoulies. Haven't seen her since." Kevin gave him a sad look.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's no biggie, besides all the dying and leaving, I had a pretty good place in the Serpents. Sweet Pea's family took me in and Sweet Pea became a brother to me."
"Huh, I'll have to thank him for taking care of you," Kevin laughed. Kevin was glad to see Fangs laughed, too.
"What about you Kevin? What was it like in your household?"
"Well, my dad was Sheriff and there really wasn't a whole lot for him to do until Jason died, and the Lodge's showed up. He was home, but he was always angry I never really knew why. My mom came home one weekend when I was 15, that's when I told them I was gay. The best feeling in the world was the way my dad looked at me and just said 'I know son' and then he wasn't angry anymore. But my mom gave me this look of... disgrace I guess. Anyway she left to make a phone call, then she went on a business trip and doesn't come home much anymore."
"Sorry to hear that," Fangs said solemnly, mimicking Kevin's previous words.
"But it wasn't that sad, I liked her less than I liked my dad, and I had Betty and Archie as friends, which is the best thing I could ask for."
"I'll have to thank them for raising you," Fangs mimicked again, this time just to get a kick out of Kevin. Kevin's slapped him on the arm-playfully- and they both continued to eat their burger in silence, just the way they both liked it.

"This is where I leave you," Fangs said to Kevin in the parking lot, holding his hand out for Kevin to shake. Kevin took his hand and used it to pull Fangs toward him and kiss him. He was happy to fell Fangs embraced it instead of pulling away.
"Come to my place," said, "I wanna hang out more." Fangs looked both ways and checked his watch.
"I've got no where else to be, I'll follow you show me the way." Fangs sat on his bike and put on his helmet, he kick started it and it let out a nice purr. Fangs turned to see Kevin still standing there, staring at him.
"Get in your car Keller!" Fangs called. Kevin-no longer staring off into space-scrambled into his car and started the engine. Fangs shook his head with laughter and followed Kevin's car out of the parking lot.

"This is the kitchen, and over there is my Dad's room. My mom used to sleep in the third bedroom, my dad snores, and my room is upstairs, I'll show you." Kevin felt his excitement rising, he hasn't been with anybody since Joaquin. Kevin led Fangs up the spiral staircase and into his room. Fangs admired the decor, Kevin's photos that he had posted all over. Some were things like evidence of the black hood, some were of Sweet water river, and one was of Fangs. In the photo Fangs had his Serpent Jacket on and sweetwater river in the sunset in the background. His hair was spiked up and his arm was still in a sling from being shot.
"Nice photo," he said when he saw Kevin blush.
"It's my favorite," Kevin informed him. Kevin took a seat on the bed and turned to looks out the window. "That's the window Betty and I use to talk to each other." Fangs laughed to Kevins surprise.
"That's childish," Fangs remarked, "but adorable. And youthful. You are a wonder Kevin Keller." A wonder.
"I like the sound of that," Kevin replied. Fangs took a seat next to Kevin and they started to hold hands. They interlocked fingers and kissed.
"I really like you Fangs," Kevin said.
"I really like you, Kev." Kev😍. Kevin's heart broke with joy. They started to kiss more repetitively and Fangs pushed Kevin further on the bed when Kevin said "we should close the door," Fangs let go and let Kevin stand up. Kevin shut the door and before he could sit back down he noticed fangs had a weird look on his face.
"What?" Kevin asked.
"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the photo of me watching while I do this." Kevin laughed and tore the picture off the window. "As you wish," he said before jumping back onto Fangs.

Hope you liked. And I was thinking, remember back to that first episode and Kevin said his most famous line "Oh my god, Archie got hot!" If Archie "got hot" what did he look like before? Was he not hot before. I wanna see the stumpy pubescent Archie he was before the start of the show.

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