Penelope and Alice #2

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Requested by luciaa_88 and hannah_oi

"It's not a laughing matter and is a serious problem. It affects teens worldwide and can change lives forever it..."
"Hold on," Penelope cut in. "It sounds... too basic, it needs a splash of something. How about..." Penelope began to write on the notepad, Alice reading aloud as she finished each word.
"There are sickos out there who laugh at rape, sodomization and child pornograph, but there are places for these people. Called prison. If you know of anyone who is guilty of the above then you need to report it, because crimes like theirs are what drives our teens to the breaking point." Penelope threw the pen down and leaned back.
"It's blunt," Alice said.
"It's meant to kind of stand out, by insulting people it brings attention. What do people love more than celebrity war stories?"
"Fake celebrity pregnancies."
"And that's just wrong, just because one photo shows a little tummy does not mean your pregnant. Check this." Penelope rolled up her shirt a notch revealing her rolled up stomach. "Look, I must be having twins, again!!" Alice laughed and so did Penelope before eventually calming down and taking a breath. "You can edit it Alice, if you want, it doesn't matter to me."
"Actually, I don't think I will. I think it makes the perfect conclusion." Penelope smiled and stood up, grabbing her coat.
"Well I should be getting home, time flies."
"Oh but Penelope, it's only 9, stay for a drink, at least." Penelope looked at her watch to see that in fact, it was nine.
"All right, but just one." It was not just one.

Six drinks later

"So then I said 'Clifford, please put down that damn wig for once. Everyone knows it's not real!!' And he just stared at me like this was the first he's heard of it." Alice slapped her knee in hysterics and wiped small happy tears from her eyes.
"That's funny, because I remember that stupid toupee, and I Remember when it fell off at the store once, and everyone just pretended not to see it."
"I was there too! I remember that!" They both fell into silence and Alice brushed off her leggings. "God, I hated that bastard. He was everything that was wrong with my life," Penelope confessed. Alice put her hand on Penelope's leg and and held her hand with the other.
"That's over now, P, it's over, he's gone."
"Yeah I know, but the damage has been done. I don't think anything I do will fix my relationship with my daughter."
"It'll get there, I swear, it just takes time." Alice rubbed her hand up Penelope's arm, and without warning pulled the redhead close. "There's something here, right?" She whispered into her ear.
"I... I think so."
"Something's brewing, but it's taking its time. So let's edge things along, shall we?" Alice put her hand behind Penelope's head and pulled their faces together, embracing them in a kiss. Penelope's heart sped up as they kept kissing each time more risky than the last, each one more dangerous. Soon Penelope was sitting on top of Alice, straddling her legs with her knees. They gripped each other's faces, pulling in close gasping for breath. They stopped and pressed their foreheads together.
"Is this really happening," Penelope smiled.
"Yeah I think it is." Alice flipped over so she was the straddler and forced her body right up against Penelope.
"Who thought Alice Cooper would fall for me?" She whispered.
"I think," Alice gasped, "that deep down, I did." They smiled before kissing again, totally in sync that they didn't even hear the footsteps.
"Mom? What's going on?" Betty asked as she came down the stairs.

I know it's really short but I had to end it somewhere and this really needed and update, let me know if you want another one next chapter is...Tosie! Followed by Charchie then Falice and Bughead. Can't wait for those, night everyone.

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