Cheryl and Toni #6

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Penelope stared at Toni, wide eyed and shaking. "I know not to mess with the Serpents. So I'll leave, just give me five minutes to pack a bag." Toni observed Penelope as she stood up off the bed and scampered out of the room. Toni turned to Cheryl-who was crying.
"No more running, Cheryl. We are going to fight this. No longer can I stand and watch the person I love be tortured like this." Cheryl nodded and tucked her face into Toni's shoulder. Toni pulled her phone out of her back pocket, and hit the call button.
"Fangs, gather the gang, I want you to make sure Mrs. Blossom makes it out of town." Fangs hung up-Toni knew he'd comply.
"Toni," Cheryl whimpered, "I want in." Toni looked at her in confusion.
"In what?" Cheryl looked up and met Toni's eyes.
"Your world, Toni I want to be a Serpent." Toni smiled and kissed Cheryl on the forehead.
"You can be whatever you desire, your safe now."

Cheryl walked into the student lounge, where Toni sat, listening to another one of Jughead's petty rants.
"The Lodges are up to something, and you know it." He told Veronica-who denied everything.
"Hey Cha Cha," Cheryl said when she sat down on Toni's lap.
"Hey, we still on for tonight?" Cheryl nodded, ecstatically.
"Ooh, what's tonight?" Veronica asked, changing the subject.
"Cheryl and I are going on our first official date, there's nobody stopping us now." Toni and Cheryl shared a thoughtful look, because that wasn't all. Tonight Cheryl would perform the Serpentine Dance, and she would receive a tattoo, designating her as a Southside Serpent.
"Oh my god, Choni is the new it couple," Veronica said, taking a selfie with "Choni" in the background.
"Did you just call us Choni?" Toni asked.
"Yep, don't worry everyone is doing it. Look here," she showed a post of Josie and Veronica, holding a paper with "Choni Is Real" written on it.
"We call Betty and Jughead Bughead, But Archiekins And I don't have one, our names don't mix well." Behind Veronica, Betty mouthed
"Varchie" and Cheryl and Toni broke into laughter. Cheryl snuggled in closer to Toni, her legs still on top her lap.
"Oh my god, just kiss her already!" Jughead sighed. Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's neck and planted a kid on her lips, then another one, and another.
"By god, he said a kiss, not a session! Don't make me call Weatherbee on you!" Veronica blocked her eyes with her hands. Toni and Cheryl pulled away, sheepishly. The bell rang and everyone stood up, "see you later, Choni," Archie called when he left the student lounge to go to physics.
"Thank Hylia we have Bio," Cheryl said, receiving a impresses look from Toni.
"Is that a Zelda reference?" Toni asked, it was her favorite game after all.
"I did my research," Cheryl said as they linked arms and proceeded down the hallway.

Later that day, 6:00pm, the date (requested by secretly_a-unicorn )

"You nervous?" Toni asked when Cheryl got her bike.
"Not really, I'm excited. I'm sooooo done with this Blossom blood, but the inheritance is nice." Toni chuckled,
"You think? Say where'd your uncle run off too, he wasn't with your mom when..." Cheryl interrupted,
"I have no clue. I couldn't care less. He's no uncle, I hadn't seen him for the first sixteen years of my life." Toni nodded.
"Alright, Red, hold on." Toni sped off, towards Pop's. The parking lot was empty, except for maybe two cars. Cheryl noticed Toni observing the cars quite carefully. Toni opened the door and held it open for Cheryl. Her miniskirt and Crop top made her figure look so damn good in that doorway that Toni had to contain herself from kissing her then and there. Cheryl stepped into Pop's the whole scene was different. There were white Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling, streamers and a fancy chocolate fountain. The windows had drawings on them-the lgbt flag 🏳️‍🌈, two girls holding hands 👭 and even her and Toni kissing 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩. The best thing was the big red heart, with the Serpent symbol on it, with the banner saying "I Love You" Cheryl smiled as she took it all in.
"Toni this is..." Toni smiled, and put her finger to Cheryl's mouth.
"Just enjoy it, Cherrykins, let it last." They smiled and sat down in a booth.  "Take a look at these menus," Toni said, urging Cheryl to look at hers. Cheryl opened the menu, which was lined with the fanciest dishes, salmon, steak, and pastas of kinds. But at the back of the menu was Pop's most famous burger and milkshake deal. Sweet Pea came to the table, in a waiters apron with a notepad. Cheryl chuckled when he asked her what she wanted.
"What can I get you?"
"I'll get the burger with a strawberry fusion milkshake." She said, looking to Toni.
"I'll also get the Burger, but with a blueberry mix milkshake." Cheryl gave her a look of interest. "It's my new favorite flavor," Toni explained.
They sat and talked, about everything, and anything. Like two friends on a perfect day. Like two people totally in love. Like a red a blue ying yang, just waiting till they are purple. They ate their burgers happily, Cheryl had a hard time because she was laughing the entire time.
"I love it," Toni said.
"Love What?"
"Your smile, when you smile I forget everything , all my problems. Cheryl, I have a confession. When I saw you that day at the drag race all I could think was 'she's perfect' and I noticed the small things about you. Things like how you bite your lips when your nervous and you always sign your signature with the O's as a Cherry. But I thought, we were from two completely different words, how would I began to talk to you? And now look at us. I can't imagine being here with anyone else." Cheryl felt a tear role down her face.
"Toni, I thought I'd be struggling my whole life, hiding my secrets, leading with the worst part of myself, watching the world through a screen. And then you showed me this kindness, and it's gotten me so far. I've spent my entire life in my mother's horror, Jason's shadow, and now that that's all gone I get to be me. I get to be with you. Toni Topaz I owe you more than you could ever know." They stared at each other, both in tears. Finally they both leaned over and kissed, in their fantasy world, wrapped in this beautiful environment. They had each other and they were so happy.

I personally really like this chapter, I mean not to brag but I am so happy right now for this fantasy Choni. Because they are so effing precious I can't even. Anyway keep reading for Cheryl's Serpentine Dance.
Hope you enjoyed 😊

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