Cheryl and Toni #5

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Requested by saturnzwifibarz topazlee12

"Damn." Toni huffed when she turned to see Veronica standing there, as if she was disappointed. Veronica tossed them their shirts and towels and waited for them to get out of the hot tub.
"Why didn't you guys just tell us?" Veronica said, coming closer.
"Well..." Toni started.
"It was me. I'm still in the closet and I was ready to come out yet, well to anyone else anyway." Cheryl gave Toni a light look before looking down and her hands, where she fidgeted uncomfortably.
"How'd you get in here anyway?" Toni asked.
"Well, Betty heard you guys in the bathroom. She told me about so I swiped your key card off the table during dinner and voila I had access. So when you canceled I decided to come over and see for myself."
"So you and Betty know?"
"Anyone else?"
"Yes." Toni waited for Veronica to continue.
"Archie, Jughead, Kevin and Sweet Pea."
"How'd you get Sweet Pea's number?" Toni asked, frazzled.
"Jughead texted him as soon as he heard, he won a bet apparently. Anyway Jug is $50 richer." Cheryl scoffed and Toni growled. Toni felt Cheryl grab her hand she looked at her.
"Awww," Veronica said from the background, "guys you should've just told us that you were dating and that you wanted a romantic weekend. Truth is- I tried to make this as much of a group activity as possible because you guys didn't have dates. How wrong I was." They all laughed and Veronica stood up. "Imma leave you two crazy kids alone, I can cut your sexual tension with a knife. Goodnight Cheryl, Toni."
"Night!" Cheryl and Toni called in unison. When they heard the door close they both released breaths of relief.
"It feels really good," Cheryl stated.
"Not having to hide this anymore. We are free, we can do whatever we want now, Toni. We can be in love."
Toni looked at Cheryl with a smile. This feeling inside of her-it was the best thing ever. It felt like her heart was being pulled in the direction of Cheryl, it was going towards her, electrifying everything around it.
"Cheryl, I have to admit, at first I wanted nothing to do with you. You had a crazy family with a messed up past and you were pretty mean to be honest. But then I got to know you and I am so damn glad that I did, because you are exactly what i need. I love you, Cherry Bombshell."
"And I love you, Cha Cha." The engaged in another passionate kiss, this one stronger than the others. Cheryl pulled out her phone and readied her camera.
"Take a selfie with me, let's cherish this moment." Toni found this a bit awkward since they just confessed their love for one another- but she complied.  "Three, two, one!" Just as Cheryl said one, she leaned over and kissed Toni-taking a picture at the perfect time. She uploaded it to Instagram, tagging Toni in it.
"Cheryl..." Toni said cautiously.
"It's okay Toni, I'm ready. And if I'm not, I have you, I've never felt so loved before." A statement that blossomed within Toni, but at the same time filled her with great sadness. Cheryl had never truly been loved by anyone other than Jason, and even he was taken away from her. I'll love you forever Cheryl, I'll always be there to fill the hole in your heart.

"Whooo! It's great to be back in shady old Riverdale!" Jughead yelled when stepping out of the limo. "I'm ready for a burger and fries, what do you say, Betty?" Betty smiled and shook her head,
"Fine, but then I have to go home, who knows what Chic is up to, with just my mom there it worries me." Bettys eyes went dark as she stared at the concrete-waiting for something to happen.
"Betty," Jughead called to snap her out of her trance.
"Sorry," She said before following Jug to where his bike was parked. Veronica was already shoving Archie back into the limo, "get in there, we will drive you home! Archie!" Archie obeyed after Veronica whines and they were off, leaving Cheryl and Toni at the base of Cheryl's house.
"Want to come in?" Cheryl asked.
"Sure, I got no where better to be." Cheryl smiled and they opened the door to her home.
"Mother I'm back! I hope you kept the house clean, for your sake," she added quietly. Cheryl looked around briefly, calling Penelope's name.
"Mom? Mother! She mustn't be home. Let's go upstairs and unpack my things, we can run over to your place later and get your things, then I'll show you the guest room." Cheryl and Toni went up the stairs, hand in hand, and were expecting Cheryl's room to be empty. Instead, on Cheryl's bed were her mother, and Claudius, in a rather disturbing moment.
"Mother! Claudius?! Ewww! Your related!" Cheryl's wide eyed expression and obvious anger in her voice were very upsetting.
"Oh Cheryl, dear, it's not what it looks like."
"Hey Penelope, it's Toni here, and this is exactly what it looks like. Your having an affair with your brother in law on your daughters bed. Now I don't know what sort of shit your into but i ain't ever heard of this. So I think you should leave." Cheryl gave Toni a look of pride, whereas Penelope's expression was a little more on the negative side.
"You don't own me, hell you don't live here! What makes you think you can tell me what to do?"
"Because I'm a Serpent, and everyone knows what happens to the enemies of Serpent. I'll give you a hint-none of them lived long enough to tell the tale." Penelope and Claudius just stared at her, fear dominating their expression. Toni and Cheryl were still hand in hand. Because we are better together, stronger, smarter. Toni thought as she watched Penelope cower under her presence.

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