Alice and Hermione #5

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Requested by Choniisreal
Hey yo, it's been a while sbt but I have some good news. MentePerversa is going to be producing the Choni chapters in this book in Spanish on their profile!!! So if you want to share with your Spanish friends definitely check that out. Okay I wont keep you waiting here is Hermalice.

Whatever pain Alice had been forcing herself through had broken away, leaving her with this feeling of floatation. She was happy, really, really happy. She wanted to lean in and kiss Hermione, but she wasn't sure if that was all right. She was clearly proven wrong when Hermione kissed her again, this time sweeping Alice of her feet. They stayed there, their foreheads pressed together, for a while, before Hermione suggested they get back to Hiram.
"What happened? Someone die in their?" He asked as both women sat down, flushed.
"No, just problems, you know women,"
"Apparently not as well as I thought," he laughed. He took his arm and wrapped it protectively around Hermione, but to his astonishment she pushed it off.
"I just need some space right now, darling." Alice could hear the quaking in Hermione's voice as "darling" came out her mouth. Hiram, looking taken aback, stood up and placed a twenty on the table.
"Well then, I'm going to head, Hermione you can get a ride home with Alice, right?" Hermione nodded, trying to hide her excitement. They waited for Hiram to be out the door and into his car on the way out of the lot before they held hands.
"How long?" Alice asked.
"How long what?"
"How long you keeping it from him?" Hermione stared at their entwined fingers.
"Not long, but I have to be sure the time is right and things are quiet, I'll try to tell him by the end of the week." Alice nodded, she could last a week, right?
"Okay, But does this mean you and I can't go on a date this week?"
"I'll try to sneak away Thursday, if I haven't told him yet."
"Okay, Great, I don't think I could go a week without the two of us being together." Hermione have Alice a warm smile and gripped her hand tighter.
"I should go," she said as she stood up.
"Because, I have things to do, places to go, things to hide." Hermione smiles deviously.
"You wouldn't be a Lodge without secrets," Alice whispered as Hermione walked out the door. But I wouldn't be a Cooper if I couldn't tell lies. And that got Alice thinking. What sort of relationship is built on secrets and lies? But she already knew the answer.

One of the hardest things Hermione ever had to do was give birth to Veronica, until today. How do you tell someone you've been married to for seventeen years and have a daughter with, that your marriage is ruined and that you cheated on them. On top of that Hermione has to tell Hiram she's bi, because she never told him in the seventeen years they've been married.
"Ugh," she brought her hand to her head and released a sigh. "Why'd I get myself into this?"
"Into what, mom?" Veronica surprised her.
"Ah! Oh, Ronnie you scared me." Veronica crossed her arms.
"Mom, whats going on? You seem, tight." Hermione sighed, perhaps it would be best to tell Veronica first.
"Veronica I have a secret, that not to many people know, and I see now that that might've been a mistake." Hermione paused, receiving and angry look form V.
"Don't stop!" She ordered.
"Well, I am actually attracted to both men and women." Veronica relaxed and let her arms drop to her side.
"That's it? I could've guessed that without you telling me." Hermione was shocked,
"You could?"
"Mom, remember that day when Alice came to the event with that stunning, slightly slutty, red dress on? You were staring a little to far below the face if you know what I'm sayin," Hermione blushed and smiled.
"Ah, yes, about that... I haven't told you everything yet." The worry returned to Veronica's eyes and she anxiously took a seat across from her mother.
"When I went to Alice's birthday, we got insanely drunk. Alice was nearly wasted when I got there and Sierra left almost immediately so it was just Alice and I. I know she likes to put on good show in front of the kids so I didn't take her home I took her to a motel. I gave her some water and I had some wine. We just talked the whole night until..."
"Until What Mom?"
"Until I got really drunk and then some mistakes were made and Alice and I..." before she could finish Veronica started to shout.
"You cheated? Is that what you're telling me? You cheated on dad with Alice Cooper and now you're, you re what? Breaking up with Alice?" Hermione ducked her head in shame. Veronica let out a hurt gasp. "No, you're breaking up with dad, aren't you?" Hermione nodded, and uncontrollably began to cry. Veronica calmed down and rushed to her side.
"Don't do this to me Veronica. I can't take it. Your father, he's a horrible man, he's gotten me in so much trouble and put me through hell. I have a chance to be happy and I have to take it." Veronica wrapped her arm around her mother who had her eyes covered, but water leaked through her fingers.
"It's okay mom, I love you. I will love you no matter what but you can't keep secrets, I can't help you if I don't know anything." Hermione nodded and leaned in to Veronica. Just as she was about to recover Hiram burst through the door, his expression filled with worry.
"Andre heard yelling, is everything all right?" Veronica and Hermione shared a tense look. Hermione stood up, trying not to shake.
"Actually Hiram-"

         To Be Continued

Hope you liked this chapter, I feel like it went pretty smooth. Let me know what you think and what you want to see more of. Thanks again to MentePerversa for offering to do the Spanish Choni that's so kind, and happy writing!

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