Cheryl, Toni and Veronica

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Requested by soleimye

Note that this is not in the same universe as the Choni or Cheronica chapters, it's totally different. Start over. Got it, then proceed.

Cheryl seemed to fall for powerful women in her life. First it was Heather, then Josie, but now there are two she has her eye on. Antoinette-Toni-Topaz has been seeking her attention, while the other-Veronica Lodge-has not. This whole game of Love was awfully confusing, and it was starting to affect her grades. Her mother had one condition in order for Cheryl to stay at thistle house, Cheryl had to keep up on her school work. This was proving to be more difficult seeing as Uncle Claudius was always seeking her attention. What was a girl to do?

Toni Topaz-plan to get girl of your dreams.
Step 1. Make contact-ignoring them doesn't work

Step 2. Be friendly-rudeness will never work

Step three. If the first two steps don't work do the opposite.

Toni's list that she had made almost a year back had worked every single time, until now. As Jughead would say it was her strategy to rid herself of her sexual energy. For se reason she couldn't get Cheryl to notice her, just once she wished Cheryl could say "nice hair" or "here's my number". There we no other lesbos or no's at school, so Toni was stumped. But when she met Cheryl her gaydar went off and she knew that she wanted it. So she decided to put step three into action.

Veronica knew something. Something that she kept a secret from everyone in Riverdale. That secret? Well she was bisexual. Back in New York shed had three relationships with girls, and a un-countable amount with boys. Every now and then she caught herself thinking "hey, she's cute" or "damn!!!!" But she was with Archie, and she was happy, wasn't she?

Cheryl drew her pencil to deepen the jawline-Toni's jaw line. She decided to draw a picture of her with Toni, and one of her and Veronica to see if that helped her decision. She wanted one of them, and she was almost certain one of them wanted her. She'd settle for either, but she couldn't imagine  not being with one of them. Come on Cheryl, she urged, you gotta pick one.

Toni went up to Cheryl while she was at her locker. Plan three was too hard, so time for plan Z, just do it.
"Hi, Cheryl?" Cheryl was applying lipstick when she turned.
"Yes?" Yes. Not: what do you want, Queen of the Buskers?
Stuttering Toni replied.
"Can I get your number, for the Vixens I mean." Cheryl looked, disappointed? But handed a slip of paper to Toni.
"There, my email and number. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @CherylBombshell!"
"Got it." Toni nodded as Cheryl walked away. To I observed the paper, her email was: Cherry Red lips? Toni recognized that name, but from where? Homework would have to wait tonight, she had some research to do.

For some reason Veronica had this feeling of dread. And it started when she walked past Toni, getting Cheryl's number this morning. Cheryl only gave her number to the inner circle Vixens. So why had she given it to Toni, who had just joined? Archie leaned in and kissed Veronica, who backed away.
"Ronnie what's wrong?"
"Oh, uh nothing. I'm just not feeling well, see you after class?" Archie, looking dazed and confused, nodded.
"Uh, sure."  Veronica ducked into the bathroom and sat in a stall. She wasn't happy with Archie, he was a horrible boyfriend. He was more obsessed with her dad than her, he was constantly getting into trouble and forgetting about her. Veronica was moving on, and it only took her crush talking to another girl for her to see that.

Cheryl gazed at her phone, waiting for a message. She had winked when she gave Toni her number and assumed she'd seen it, now Cheryl hoped she would text her. Just something simple, maybe a hi, or a hello, anything, just so Cheryl knew it had worked. Cheryl could text her, but then she'd seem needy, and she couldn't make a bad impression. Toni come on! Please! But no message came.

Toni searched all her social media files, all her accounts on EVERYTHING, and it paid off. She had found the name Cherry_Red_Lips12000 on a dating website Toni used to use. She and "Cherry Red Lips" used to talk all the time, then Toni stopped using the app. But when she logged on today she had 104 messages from Cherry, all of them in distress. But what had caught her eye was the message she had gotten on July 4:
Hey Topazinette, I know you're not there but I need to just put this down. My brother is dead. I killed him, I think. I have to go now. Bye Topazinette.

And another she had gotten on July 11:
I didn't kill him. Father did. Father paid for it. I can't go on like this, it's to hard. No one loves me, I burnt down my own home. I almost killed my Nana. Goodbye forever Topaz, I know you'll never read this. But thanks for being my friend.

Toni started to cry. She knew it now. This had to be the account of Cheryl Blossom, she recounted Jason's death. She drove herself to suicide, if Toni hadn't been frightened by one bad date she could've prevented this. She stared at the words on her screen again.
I have to talk to Cheryl, I owe her that much.

I am actually so sorry this took three days to write. Like I'd go to write then I fell asleep, and I couldn't keep myself awake. Guess that's what happens when your on sleep meds. Anyway hope you enjoyed, this rather difficult chapter, just switching between three characters is harder than one or two. But I like the challenge so thanks again soleimye

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