Cheryl and Veronica 3

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Veronica hasn't seen her mother-Hermione- in three days. Any messages she has to send through her father-Hiram- and it is starting to take a toll on her. There are times where she wants to talk to her mother about romance, school or even business, but she has to call up Cheryl. I shouldn't be punished for who I love. The thought reoccurred to her at least three times a day, and it broke her heart. Cheryl was doing okay, she hadn't told her mother because they hate each other and her dad and brother are dead. There were people out there who were already biased against the Lodge's but dealing with all the hate with a separated family... Hermione's absence was taking a toll on Dad, too. They were actually very close, he'd come back after visiting her-angry and flushed- then go into his office, where one time Veronica swore he was in tears. Daddy was bad man, Veronica knew this much, but he wasn't so bad anymore. His business was good for Riverdale. I just need to talk to mother, I need to ask her why. Veronica decided after school one day. So she googled all the hotels in Riverdale and Greendale, and swore to visit everyone to see where Hermione was hiding.
"How do you know she didn't go somewhere like York or Philly?" Betty asked as Veronica explained her plan.
"When my dad goes to visit her he always texts me when he's leaving. And he gets back around 15-20 minutes later. There is no way he was in York. Even if he texted while he was on a plane his message wouldn't go through due the altitude."
Betty and Jughead held an unsure look. "I know there could be loopholes I hadn't thought of, but this is my mother, and my only plan to see her." Veronica fought back tears. Cheryl wanted to be here with her right now but she was leading practice with the Vixens and had excused Veronica for the day. Betty and Jughead threw her a sympathetic look.
"Your right, V, you should go find your mom." Betty said at last.
"Then it's settled, I'm going to look for her."

Veronica had been to five motels in Riverdale so far and nothing seemed promising. The one she was inspecting now had a vehicle similar to her mother's, which made her hopeful.
"I'm looking for a Hermione Lodge, She's my mother." Veronica explained to the dull faces man at the front desk. He flipped through his book examining each room very quickly.
"Ding, ding,ding!" He said. "Found her. She's in room 18c take a left on the third floor." Veronica could feel her stomach churning more and more as she progressed each level. She stood at the door and balled her fist. I have to. For me and for daddy. She rapped softly and avoided the peephole. As expected her mother opened and called softly "Hiram?" Veronica stepped in front of her.
"Nope, even better." She broke past her mom to sit on the springy bed. The room was a mess. Hair products and towels spread the floor, the bed wasn't made and still had remnants of chips and other foods on it.
"God, Mom! This is disgusting! Haven't you left the room?" Veronica complained.
"No. I'm not proud of it so don't shake your head at me."
Veronica felt her face go red.
"Shake my head? Shake my head? I have all the reason to shake my head at you. The last thing I heard you say was 'excuse me' do you know how much that hurts?" Hermione Bowes her head in a silent shame. "And dad. Your hurting him mother! He misses you, every night he comes home he locks himself in his office, he's trying so hard to be a good signal dad but we both know he's not cut out for that." Hermione turned to look over her shoulder and out the window where dust travelled through a barren parking lot.
"Mom, I came here for one reason. I want to know why. Why did you leave? Why all this drama?" Hermione avoided her for a minute before turning to reveal her dripping mascara and puffy eyes.
"Miha, the truth is, I was just like you. I was in love with a girl, and we both thought we would be forever. My parents didn't know of course, because that was frowned about back when I was your age. Then I met your dad. We bonded and became close friends, and one day he said he loved me. I thought things would be easier, if I could fall in love with him. I did, eventually, and everything was fine. But yesterday you brought me back to time that would've changed my life. The worst part was when I broke up with that girl, she killed herself. Her family hates me and I had to erase any evidence of her. If I hadn't let my fears get in the way she'd still be alive. That was the first time I killed someone,  Ronnie." Veronica had to admit her heart snapped. She was here angry- thinking her mother was a homophobe-when really it was dark memories that made her this way.
"Mom, I understand you are in pain. But this is killing dad. He needs his partner, he needs his wife." Hermione sniffles and nodded.
"Ronnie, help me go home."


Leading the Vixens without getting to see Veronica's hot figure was hard enough, but when Betty fell and broke her elbow things got worse. Jughead wouldn't shut up, Archie wouldn't shut up and the ambulance was late.
"Jug I'm okay." Betty explained multiple times.
"Where is she? Where is my baby?!" Alice yelled as she ran into the gym. Great. Crazy and Crazy Jr. in the same room. Cheryl rolled her eyes. Cheryl opened her phone to text Veronica to see she had left a message.

V: Call me need to talk
V: Cheryl u always text during practice
V:Wtf answer ur phone
V: you will have a hard time believing me.

After checking to make sure Betty was in safe hands Cheryl went into the locker to call Veronica. She answered almost immediately.

"Cheryl you won't believe this! So sit down because I've got a long story to tell..."

And Veronica filled her in on Hermione's life.

I'm sorry there wasn't a lot of Cheronica moments in this one but I needed to add some story. There will definitely be more in the next part.

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