Betty and Jughead pt.2

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In honor of the Riverdale premier tonight/ tomorrow here is the Bughead ship part 2! 745 words long to keep you busy before you start the second half of season 2. Enjoy!


"Betty I have told you so many times about what happened to me, I mean us, when I was your age. I got pregnant Betty! And it ruined a year of my life!" Alice was turning red in the face, making Betty very uncomfortable.
"Mom, I don't know what to say. It was his birthday, and we're in love." She argued.
"So was I, Betty! But that didn't give me an excuse with my mom!" Her dad was just leaning up against the door with his arms crossed and a pissed expression. Betty bit her lip to bite back tears.
"Can you just stop, for a minute, please? Something big just happened and I haven't had any time to think about it." Betty sat up straight and her mother just clenched her jaw.
"Fine your father and I will leave. But don't think this conversation is over, Betty."
"Got it." She nodded. She let out a sigh of relief when the door closed and she laid sprawled out on her bed. She heard her phone ding, but she didn't answer it. She just stared at the roof as she dozed off into sleep.

"Betty! Get up! You have school today!" Betty groaned at the sound of her mother's' voice and was reluctantly pulled out of bed.
"Mom, I don't feel good. I think I should stay home." Alice bore a skeptical look, but it softened after she monitored Betty for a moment.
"You're right," she put her hand on Betty's forehead, "you're burning up." Betty wanted to flop back into bed, but she was afraid the movement would make her throw up.
"I'm going to call a doctor, stay here Elizabeth, I mean it." Betty sat down and nodded, taking deep breaths to calm her. She looked at the clock, 6:00 am! She'd slept through dinner, and she was supposed to meet Veronica. She picked up her phone on her nightstand and saw the text from V: at Pop's. Why aren't you here? Where are you? Did u cancel? B? She put her back hand to her head and really did flop down. Her head hit the bed and she felt dazed, her vision was blurry and she couldn't hear the ticking of her watch.
"Mom?" She called quietly. Alice came into the room hurriedly.
"What? Oh Betty! No don't..." Betty didn't remember anything else.

The bright lights of the hospital were bad enough, but a crowded room with her friends and family in it was worse. Can't she get a break? She would do anything to go back to that moment with Jughead, where it was just passion, love, and kindness. This was the opposite. This was war.
"Well I still think you should've called!"
"I don't have your number!"
"Go nextdoor and get it from Archie!"
"Archie was outside when the ambulance came, he should've texted you!"
"Do not frame my Archikins." Her mom and Veronica were in an argument and Hal and Fred were getting along by the door. Archie was frustrated with Jug because he had something to tell him but Jug wanted to talk with Betty.
"Okay! Everyone out! She fainted! She's not dying." A doctors voice rang across the once busy room.
"I want the parents in and that's it." He demanded.
"Jug!" Betty cried. Jughead blew a kiss which the doctor noticed.
"You can stay too, if you want." Jug gladly took his spot on his knees by by my bed.
"Okay, So it seems it was due to dehydration, and stress. Anything stressful lately?" Betty looked to her parents and back at the doctor, "Yes, an argument."
"Okay, and had you slept well." Jughead let out what sounded like a "Yeah we did!" Under his breath which caused Alice to give an angry expression.
"Great. Another one of these," the doctor sighed "another teenage sex scandal. Well thata do it. Just drink lots and get a good rest, you can leave when your ready." Her parents released sighs but Betty posted her attention on Jug.
"I didn't get to tell you, but I had a great time."
"Me too, until your parents barged in and saw me with my pants off." Betty laughed and pulled him into a kiss, ignoring the harsh judgments from her parents. She wasn't her mom or her dad. She knew what she was doing, and she'd be more careful. But this is what makes her happy, and that's the most important thing.

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