Toni and Cheryl #4

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#4 or #3 1/2? Anyway it don't matter. Hope you are still enjoying these don't forget to leave a suggestion if you have one, I'm always up for a challenge.

Cheryl rubbed her foot on Toni's leg while she ate her salad. Toni was trying not to smile but she wasn't doing too well. 
"Okay, I did not book a four star hotel to wait fifteen minutes for the buffet to open. We can not be late for this tour." Veronica complained.
"Why don't we just get some food from a vendor on the street on our way out?" Archie suggested.
"Oh, Archiekins. I will not be so diminished that I have to get food from a sweaty guy who gets his ketchup from the trash. We will have to go hungry." Just as Veronica finished her rant a boat load of fairly attractive men came out carrying trays that reeked of the scent of food.
"Oh finally!" Toni said as she leaped out of the table. "I was about to eat Cheryl."
"Why me?" Cheryl asked, concerned.
"Because you'd taste the best, you'd be sweet." Toni casually flirted while the others lined up for food.
"You know, you can try me later, see if my taste is up to your expectations." Cheryl whispered in her ear as she filled her plate with fruit.
"I'm going have to take you up on that."
"Take you up on what?" Veronica asked from behind them.
"Oh, just uhhh..." Toni trailed off.
"I invited her to stay with me, for a while. She can't live at the trailer park now that it's being closed to everybody."
"Oh, that's kind of you, Cheryl. Hey Archie! How many sausages did you want?!" Veronica turned to yell at him and Cheryl and Toni laughed.
"I'm serious by the way," Cheryl said when she was done laughing, "I'd love if you'd stay with me at Thornhill. I don't trust myself being alone with my mother. I'm afraid I'll lose my temper and..." she trailed off.
"Of course I'll stay with you. Better than bunking with Jughead, besides we can have 'sleepovers whenever we want."
"Oooh," Cheryl said, lifting an eyebrow. They finished in the buffet and Veronica was already rushing them to eat.
"We have ten minutes, people! And we still have to drive there!" She explained rather loudly. Cheryl felt Toni rub her leg against hers and tilt her head towards the restrooms.
"Well I'm taking my plate up and running to the washroom, brb." Cheryl said casually.
"Oh, I'll come with, meet you guys at the car." Toni stood up with her plate.
"Don't be late!" Veronica called after them.

Cheryl and Toni were all alone in this beautiful bathroom. The walls were rose red and the wood was a dark oak, the light fixtures were very modern.
"Let's be late," Toni said exiting a stall, "we can get a cab and take a 'detour' if you know what I mean."
"That sounds fun, let's say five minutes they'll be outta here?"
Toni nodded, "what should out excuse be?"
"Long line up and our driver got lost in traffic."
"Done. So now we wait. All alone in this wonderful five star bathroom." Cheryl highlighted the largest stall at the end, "that stall is big enough for two people, I'm going to see what's in it," she said walking over to the stall. "Oh there's nothing." She walked inside. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder so she turned around where Toni gave her a great big kiss on the lips.
"God, why must we go on Veronica's stupid tours! I just want to be alone with you," Toni charmed, holding Cheryl's arms.
"I know, that's all I want too." They shared a look which quickly turned to startle when they heard a stall close. Cheryl put her finger to her mouth and peered outside, trying to identify the shoes of the person in the stall. She couldn't see them-it's a kid-she thought. She gestured for her and Toni to leave quietly. They left the bathroom, giggling like a couple of school girls. After what seemed like hours of navigating the dining room they were met up outside by a cab, waiting for them.
"Veronica probably got them to wait for us," Toni said, not surprised.
"That girl really likes to stick to her schedule." They both laughed and hopped in the cab.

*Later That night, say 8:00pm, everyone is back at the hotel, getting ready to meet up Veronica's room for drinks*

" my hair is a mess," Cheryl complained from the bathroom. Toni walked over there sarcastically to see the beautiful redhead running the curler through the long strands of hair.
"You look fine," she said from the doorway, "besides, I better be the only one looking at you." Cheryl, still curling her hair, turned to Toni, "even if you're not the only one, you're the only one who gets VIP access, you get see back backstage." Cheryl winked and Toni raised her eyebrows,
"I can't wait," she said before heading back to the main room and flopping down on the bed. "Could you imagine how different this whole vacation would be if Kevin had been able to make it? Sneaking around would be a lot harder, especially with his gay-dar!" Toni laughed and she saw Cheryl chuckling as she finally abandoned the curler and joined her on the bed. She flopped down next to To I And they were lying there face to face.
"Tell Veronica I'm sick," Cheryl whined, "I just want to hang with you tonight, Toni." Toni thought about her phone in her pocket.
"Sure, let's do it."
"Wait what?"
"We always say we want to spend time, just me and you, but we haven't gone out of our time to that yet. I call Veronica and tell her you've got food poising and I'm staying to make sure you get better." Before Cheryl could say anything in protest Toni pulled out her phone and speed dialed Veronica. "V, hi. Cheryl's got food poisoning or something so she's bound to the room. I'm going to stay here to make sure she is feeling okay. Talk to you guys later." Toni signaled for Cheryl to make vomiting sounds to block out Veronica's protest, "Sorry, V, Cheryl needs a new garbage bag," and she hung up. "So where were we?" She asked, looking thoughtfully into Cheryl's eyes.
"I believe we were about to try out that hot tub," Cheryl responded, rather deviously.
"I haven't got a swim suit," Toni said.
"Oh, Cha Cha, you don't need one." Cheryl turned on the water and let it run while she slipped off her shirt, giving Toni a look that suggests she does the same. By the time the water was ready, Cheryl had just undergarments on, as did Toni. Cheryl stood in the hot tub, surrounded by bubbles she slipped of her lace panties and threw them to the bed. She sat down and gestures for Toni to do the same. When the bubbles were so tall she could hardly see over them Cheryl finally removed her bra, not breaking eye contact the entire time.
"I love you, Cheryl Blossom," Toni said before taking off her bra and whipping it to the bed, engaging in a passionate kiss with Cheryl.
"I love you too, Toni," Cheryl said before she saw the silhouette of someone in the mirror. Veronica stood angrily with her hands on her hips and a cross expression on her face.
"Oh wow, Cheryl, you look real sick."

I am so sorry this took so long I went on a school trip which had me distracted and I had much homework and a cold to top it off. Anyway I'm trying to get back to faster updating so see u soon!

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