Archie and Jughead

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Requested by: DeadRoses14567

Jughead Jones would never tell a sole that he was into guys. He dated Betty to distract himself from his daily suffering, it worked, at first. But now he couldn't control his urgency to walk up to his guy friends and say "hey, Archie is hot. How is he not mine?" Jughead was alone in this world that had become pretty clear when all hell broke loose a few years back. Jughead suffered in silence, until March 23 when the woman he "loved" recognized him for who he was.
"Jughead, you've been different lately," She has said while they watched the bonus features to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince," Jughead, I've seen this before. Kevin is my best friend, and he started doing the exact same thing before he came out." Jughead said nothing, just stared at the screen. Betty took his arm and rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, where the marks of his stress were imprinted. "That's not all," Betty continued, " you leave every time a cute guy enters the room, including Archie. You guys are best friends, he thinks you hate him for some reason." Jughead remained in silence while he tossed his tongue around in his mouth. "But Jughead, that's not what's concerning me the most. Your attitudes are different, your angrier, depressed and you don't get aroused like you used to. Jughead, do you have something to tell me?" His eyes welling with tears he turned to Betty.
"It hurts, so much, Betty, I can't take it anymore!" He sobbed and let Betty's comforting grasp enfold him.

1 month Later. Betty, Veronica, Toni and Kevin know about Jughead

Per usual Jughead was talking to Toni in the hall before class, but the ripped redhead caught his attention. Archie Andrews, all sweaty and heavy-breathed from football practice led his team through the halls, his eyebrows quizzical. Archie and Jughead had drifted apart-it was too hard for Jug to be bear him and not think about him as more than a friend.
"I miss him," Jughead confided, getting a sympathetic look from Toni.
"Just tell him already Jug, he probably misses you too. He won't mind at all, he looks like he could use a friend. Veronica  doesn't have the best attention span after all." Jughead nodded and stood up straight.
"I'm going to, right now, I can't put him through this. I picked the option I thought was best for him, but it wasn't. I hope he forgives me."
"Dude you just wasted your entire apology on me, go! Get your football friend back!" Jughead races down the hall to where he saw Archie enter one of the science labs. He was wearing goggles and flipping through papers, still wearing a confused expression.
"Need help?" Jughead asked from the doorway. Archie turned to face him, lifting his goggles off, to see if it really was Jughead. He started to speak but Jughead interrupted him, "Archie before you say anything I have something to say to you. I've made some pretty crappy decisions lately and I lost a friend because of it, because I was afraid. And being scared sucks, so I'm just going to say it. I'm gay. I had feelings for you and it was too hard to be around you so I did what I thought was best. I was selfish, and I'm sorry." Jughead waited for a reply, but Archie just stood there, his mouth gaped. The bell rang and Jughead left, he walked away-sulkily and attended class.

One week later. Prom is coming up and there is a valuable prize Jughead needs to win in order to sell for the money his dad needs for bail. Archie and Veronica are broken up and on bad terms.

"It's impossible, Betty, everyone knows we aren't dating anymore, they won't vote for us even if we do 'get back together'." Betty sighed angrily.
"Jughead every suggestion I've had you shut down, why did you even ask for my help?" Jughead scowled at her,
"You're right, I don't need your help, you can go." Betty clenched her fists and stormed out of the trailer. Jughead sat down on the couch, oblivious to the fact he was scarring his arms.

10 minutes later. Betty's POV

I drove away from the Serpent yard at high speed to release my anger. I get he's going through shit, but aren't we all? I'm sick of being treated like nurse-there whenever he needs help. I drove down my street to my house, but something made me park in front of Archie's place. I could see him studying in his room, subconsciously I walked to the door. He's not seeing anyone.
"Betty, hi." He said casually when he saw me at the door.
"Archie, I need a favor."

Day of prom
Jughead's POV
I sat on Betty's couch, waiting for her to come with the snacks.
"Betty!" I called.
"Coming!" She replied. Betty came from the kitchen, carrying a clothing bag.
"What's that?" I asked her.
"It's your tux, for the prom."
"No way, I'm not going to the prom. I'd walk in and everyone would think 'oh look there's Jughead Jones, single as always' that's not my ideal night. No date no prom, Betty it's how things work on the south side."
"Someone need a date?" Jughead turned to see Archie walking into Betty's living room. He wore a black and white tux, with blue highlights and his hair spiked upward. His arms were crossed, and he gave Jughead a look of... glee?
"Archie?" Jughead stammered.
"C'mon Jug. Get changed let's go win you that prize." Ecstatically Jughead grabbed the tux from Betty and went upstairs.

The dance floor was slow moving to the song "Stand by Me' by Florence and The Machine.
"Archie, look, I know you're just doing this as a favor to Betty, and me, you don't have to. You know if it ruins your rep or anything." Archie looked at Jug a little disappointedly.
"Jug I'm not doing this for Betty, or you. Well I am but that's not what I'm trying to come across. I'm doing this for me Jug. To be honest I thought you were ignoring me because you figured it out. Boy was I wrong. What if trying to say is: I like you Jug, as more than a friend." If if fireworks had went off right then, Jughead would've exploded. Archie's lips were soft, and the kiss was real. This wasn't fake so Jughead used it to hide his scars, his pain. For the first time in a while Jughead was happy, swaying back and forth on the dance floor with Archie Andrews.

Imma acknowledge the fact I'm at 2k reads and I haven't noticed till now. Thanks for all the support and I hope you keep reading and enjoying! New episode tomorrow!

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