Archie and Betty

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Requested by:Barchie_Apahart
Who also suggested the plot. So here we go.

Veronica set down the grocery bags to give her hands a rest. She noticed a car with only one working headlight up ahead. She recognized the people but couldn't place them, so she decided to move closer.
Archie? Betty? She couldn't believe it, they were in the car together, and before Archie could step out he and Betty were in a tight kiss. Veronica abandoned her bags and ran the way she came. She needed to be alone, she needed to get revenge.

"Betty are you sure it's here?" Betty pushed dirt aside and wiped her mud soaked hands on her pants.
"It has to be. Polly said this exact spot." Archie check his surroundings.
"Someone might see us, what if they think we are digging a grave?" She gave him a doubtful look.
"Then we tell them the truth. Come on let's keep looking." Archie sighed and went on his knees to start another hole at the back side of a tombstone. His shovel made a scraping sound so he removed it from the dirt.
"Betty, I got something!" Betty rushed over and they dug together to reveal a once gold locket with charms on the inside. Archie looked to Betty hopefully.
"This is it." She shook her head in disbelief and held it up to the moonlight. "Polly will be so happy, this has to make her come back." Archie wasn't so sure, but he didn't want to spoil Betty's moment.
"Betty..." he started "in the car earlier, when we, you know, kissed? Did..." Betty cut him off.
"Don't worry, I won't tell Veronica, drama seems to follow her everywhere." She laughed.
"Yeah... no kidding." Archie sat in silence on the way home, he decided that he was going to talk to Veronica and convince her that there's nothing to worry about, it would be tough, but V would usually do anything for her Archiekins.

Betty closed her locker and let lose a sigh of disappointment.
A B-? Seriously Betty, get yourself together! She turned around and Veronica was waiting no no more than five inches from her face.
"Ah! V, what are doing?" She bore a devilish grin.
"Nothing. I'm watching your back, because your my friend and I'd do anything for you. Like I'm sure you'd do anything for me, right?" Betty furrowed her eyebrows with confusion but decided to give Veronica what she wanted to hear.
"Uh... yeah, I would."
"Good. So come to my house on Saturday, have dinner with us. Just you, Mom, Dad, Archie and me." And I not "and me". Ha I guess I do still got it. Betty thought to herself.
"Oh Archie will be there?"
"Well of course, we are dating after all, Betty."
"Uh right. Well I kind of had plans but I might be able to change them..."
"Great! So you're coming! I'll set you a spot at the table!" Tge bell rang and Veronica skipped down the hall and into the bathroom, but Betty was rushing to class. She didn't want another B-. Veronica seemed, off. Somethings up, and I don't like it. Betty thought as she made her way through the echoing halls.

Last block seemed to drag on forever, and Betty couldn't get Archie off her mind. They had kissed last night, but he seemed to shrug it off with all the searching and digging. It was true that Betty once had a thing for Archie, but after everything with Jughead she'd felt nothing. Until yesterday. All those emotions she'd once had cane flooding back to her, and she couldn't help feeling guilty about it. Veronica, her best friend, was dating Archie, the possible love of her life. She glanced up at the teacher who was in deep conversation and she pulled out her phone and kept it under the desk.

Archie, meet me in the music room at 3:30. Need to talk.

She pushed the send button, unsure about how she felt. Before she could put her phone away and pay attention she heard Veronica mention her.
"I think Betty could back me up quite well. What do you say? Will you write a section about it in the Blue and Gold for me?" Betty tried to hide her complete confusion.
"Uh yeah."
"Good, you can bring it to me on Friday." Veronica smiled satisfyingly and Betty was miserable. It was like Veronica was trying to make her life worse than it already was. She had to write an article on a topic she didn't know. Ugg, Friday. Friday. Why didn't she tell Veronica she couldn't go? Because she felt guilty about Archie that's why. Betty didn't pay much attention to the rest of the class, but 3:30 came by much quicker than before. She paced around the music room, taking deep breaths and convincing herself she could get through this. That she wasn't obsessed with Archie or anything, but he did have a six pack, which Jughead did not. And his hair, it was soft and it always smelled fresh, and those eyebrows that were darker than his hair. And his soft personality and the way he put others lives before his. He was dream, and Betty couldn't put that aside. Her heartbeat quickened even more when he slipped into the music room door and closed it quietly behind him.
"Betty, what's going on?" He asked, his large eyes filling the fear in her heart.
"Archie last night... the kiss. You have a girlfriend, and I just got over Jug. It wouldn't be right. I mean have I thought about it, us, I mean, sure but..."
He put his finger to her lips.
"Betty it's okay. It was an 'in the moment' thing, not our fault." Betty looked down trying to disguise her disappointment.
"Okay, well I've got to get to cheer, see you later?" He smiled.
"Yeah, see you later." She stared into his eyes and when she had to look away she almost screamed. She was in love with Archie all over again. This time it was worse because she couldn't do anything without breaking the bffs code.

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