Cheryl and Jughead

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Requested by midnightmaiden28

Cheryl's terrible childhood reflected her future in almost every way. She never knew what it felt like to be the favorite child, Jason had taken that place proudly, and she accepted that, but now that she was an only child it wasn't fair. Everyone who saw her as the "leader" or the "powerful" girl in the school, now saw a broken, half insane girl, who lost her brother and father, and whose mother was never there. There was no one out there for her, no one who would understand what she is going through, she was all alone, and that was certain, until February 18, where she met someone. He changed the way she saw herself, and for the better.

Feb. 17
Cheryl sighed when she reached her doorstep and was forced to enter due to the freezing rain.
"This god damned weather!" She yelled before she opened the door. As usual there was a sock on the railing, which meant her mom was occupying a man in the basement. That selfish, half hearted, sick son of a bitch. She thought every time her mother entered her mind. She couldn't take it anymore, where did these guys come from? She had to do something, not for her mom whom she wished burned in the fire, but for her, who deserved everything she didn't have, and everything she wanted. She browsed the internet for some ideas on pranks and revenge, but one idea wouldn't leave her mind. She was going to play god. Her mother always took "Love vitamins" as they were called in Riverdale, and lucky for her, she knew how to use poison. She wouldn't use real poison of course, but rather laxatives, this would make things interesting. She took her mother's pill bag to the bathroom where the medicine cabinet was, and luckily there were still some left from when Jason was sick.
"Let's see what your reputation says after this mother." She said to herself satisfyingly the mirror. Her heart jumped and her stomach grew butterfly's when she dumped the Lovers into the toilet and replaced then with the identical laxative ones. She checked her watch 3:43, her mom would be back in two minutes. She rushed the pill case back into the The kitchen cupboard and retreated upstairs, keeping her ears open for her mom.
"Go! Before she sees you!" Cheryl turned around and met mother was pushing a man out the door. He looks familiar... Before Penelope saw her she retread to her room and collapsed on her bed, and started to text Josie, who never replied, but Cheryl knew she was reading her messages. She put on her headphones and set a timer for 4:15, that's when the pills should run their course, and she wanted to see it all, well not all of it. She wasn't interested in seeing her mom attached to some random guy off the street, but she was interested in her mother's reaction to shitting the bed. Time seemed to slow, but Cheryl was content listening to Josie's tapes and the Pussycat's old albums. Her alarm-alienated from the music-went off and Cheryl jumped with glee. She pulled off her headphones and raced downstairs to the middle floor. She jumped on the sofa and covered herself in a blanket and pulled out a book, to make things seem natural. Suddenly she heard a
"What the f**k!" From the basement and she felt a sense of pride.
"Ahhhhhh!" She heard her mother scream and Cheryl started to smell it. The raunchy stench of a prostitutes diarrhea. She was proud. A man in tighty whities (that were no longer white) burst out of the downstairs door and out the front door, not before grabbing a twenty off the shelf on his way out.
"I'm NOT paying for that! Go to a doctor you disgusting bitch!" Cheryl bit her lips together trying not to laugh, and the man ignored her. After he was gone she waited and her mother came upstairs fifteen minutes later.
"You... you changed my pills."
"Great detective skills, hey maybe if you want a real job you can be a detective, mind you with your record, a grocery store wouldn't hire you. And they hire Serpents." Penelope wore a dangerous look before she attacked. Cheryl felt her mother's nails wrap around her neck and embed themselves into her skin.
"Mother!" She begged when she felt her neck grow wet with blood. Her mother released her and rushed away to the bathroom. Cheryl started to cry and she felt herself grow dizzy as blood escaped her body.

The turtle neck hid the marks well enough but it didn't ease the pain. Every time she turned to look to see who came in the door she but her cheek to stop herself from screaming. Pop had asked her multiple times if she was alright, she said yes every time but he kept bringing her strawberry milkshakes on the house. The chimes rang but Cheryl couldn't turn around around this time. She thought about calling someone but who? Josie? Her mother would never let her come. Veronica? She didn't need her to give her some wacky advice and tell her to go nuts, she needed someone to talk to. She let her chin slide into her hand and closed her eyes as she drank her shake incoherently.
"Cheryl, now ain't that F.P's boy over there? He looks like he needs a friend, and so do you. So go sit with him eh?" She rolled her eyes at Pop and
he chuckled, "go on now." Cheryl walked over to the booth where Jughead was sitting his head down low.
"Hey Cheryl," he said keeping his eyes on the table.
"Hey," she pulled up her turtle neck to make sure the scratches wouldn't show, "what's wrong Jug?" She tried to sound like his friend. It must've worked because he made eye contact with her and she grew more comfortable at the table.
"It's about the Serpents, and my dad. I messed up, Cheryl, and now the Serpents are going to pay for it." Cheryl nodded, trying to be friendly.
"My day was fine, almost perfect, right up until just two hours ago. I have no where to go. The only things I have right now are these clothes, my cell and $50 of my mom's prostitution money. The Blossom's are as good as dead." Jughead grabbed her hands in his, "Don't day that! The Blossom's were-and still are- the foundation of Riverdale! Your family has founded this town and has taken care of it for generations. Even Serpent scum like me can see that." Feeling flattered she grabbed Jughead's hands back and looked into his warm brown eyes, that compared to hers, seemed to have a future. This might be a one time thing, but she wanted it to happen.
"You're right, Jug. But I should go find a hotel, it's getting late." She was standing up but he pulled her back down into the booth.
"Wait. Why don't you... stay at my place tonight, my dad isn't coming home and none of the Serpents want to see me. Unless of course you don't want to." He glanced around nervously and Cheryl smiled at him.
"I'd love to stay with you, and thank you."
"Don't mention it," He waved his hand and Pop came with two more milkshakes, on chocolate and one strawberry. Cheryl held up her glass and and clinked it against Jughead's "Cheers!" They both said simultaneously. As they talked for hours while drinking their shakes, Cheryl started to feel better, like the scars didn't hurt anymore, and the pain in her heart was staring to fade away. "Um Jughead," she interrupted, "I need to lay down now, do you think you could take me to your place?"
"Uhh s-sure," he stammered while stood up and out of the booth. He threw down a ten on the table for Pop and left outside. "I've got only one helmet, you can wear it since you're a passenger, but don't let go of my waist."
"I won't,"she promised.

The midnight air felt good on her face and Cheryl was happier than she'd been in a long time. Jug's trailer wasn't to far away so they were there were there in five minutes.
"The couch pulls out into another bed," he explained, " I'd let you have my bed, but it's kind of messy in there."  Cheryl chuckled.
"That's fine, I'm not very big," Jughead laughed and went to get some pillows and blankets. She sat at the end of the pull out and looked around. It was small but it was pretty nice, different from the castles she's used to.
"Alright, here are some pillows, the blankets are in the closet I'll go find them." He was about to walk away, but he noticed Cheryl's tears. The fell down her face one by one and landed on her turtle neck, leaving dark red spots where they landed.
"Cheryl," he sat beside her, "what's wrong!" She looked away from him and pulled down her turtle neck to reveal four small gashes on her neck. She sobbing now, but it wasn't because of the gashes.
"My mother attacked me. She was trying to kill me, I could see it. She jammed her nails into my neck, but I begged for her to let me go. Jughead I'm scared, I'm so scared." She cried into her hands and Jughead rubbed her back. He leaned in closer to her face.
"Cheryl, look at me. You're strong, you're so strong, I promise you will get through this, sometimes you just need help. And I'd love to help you." She slowly removes her hands from her face and looked at him. Without saying anything she kissed him. She didn't expect anything, but he kissed her back.
"Jug," he put his finger to her mouth.
"I'll be careful." He promised. He laid her down and laid with just his chest on her. They were kissing passionately so Cheryl couldn't stop it, if she had wanted to. She used on of her hands to start removing her shirt and he pulled his off in a second. They kept going in silence till they had only the undergarments on.
"You want this?" He asked.
"Jughead, unclip my bra." He smiled and did as she said. They went on and Cheryl was so happy, she was rid of her mother and no longer a virgin. Jughead Jones was the reason she saw herself differently, he made her happy, and that's what counts in a relationship.

Sorry it's a late and a little long, if they are getting to long just tell me. BTW what was up with Riverdale last Thursday? Cheryl wasn't even in it!

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