Hermione and Alice #2

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   Requested by xmellivia
Datawkwardperson2714  TheFalice


This was a mistake, I shouldn't have done this, what kind of example am I setting for my daughter? What does this even mean to me? Hiram...
Alice was asleep and Hermione lay next to her, under the covers of the soft hotel bed. She had a family, she had an affair. This wasn't good, not for business or social status. Alice was "the other woman", and Hermione was cheat. She felt her stomach lurch so she raced to the bathroom and was sick for a moment in the toilet. Hiram doesn't have to know. Nobody does, it was a mistake, we were drunk. Some more than others. She quickly realized she didn't have any clothes on, so she prepared a towel and a robe and hit the shower. I need to forget it for now, I'll deal with this later. But no matter how hard she forced it away, she knew that the feeling was real, and something like this doesn't just go away...

Alice's stomach trembled and she raced for the bathroom, she turned around when she saw the door was locked and grabbed the trash bin instead. After about ten minutes of harsh vomiting she sat on her knees and wiped her chin with a napkin. She noticed quickly she was wearing nothing, so quickly grabbed a shirt off the bed and put her leggings on from last night. Last night. The thought of it made her want to throw up again. She was so drunk, she made a fool out of herself. And to make things worse she slept with her best friend- a happily married woman. She put her hand to her mouth and began to weep.
I'm a home wrecker, a mistress, the other woman. She pulled herself together and started to gather her things. I shouldn't be here when Hermione gets out of the shower. She decided, against her will might I add. Every part of her wanted to talk to Hermione, confront her, ask her about what it meant. But Alice had too much pride, this would be a secret forever, and it was probably the best that way.

Alice walked into her house, carefully checking to make sure no one was home. Despite her efforts, Betty caught her on her way upstairs.
"Betty, why aren't you at school?" Betty crossed her arms and gave a stern look.
"Mom! Where were you? I called you eight times, I was on my way to the station to ask Keller for help." Alice but her lips together and dug her nails into her palm, wincing with pain.
"I stayed at a hotel, things got out of hand so we booked a room." Betty nodded reluctantly.
"Sounds fake, but I guess I have to believe you, I'm not up for more stress right now. I'm off to school, Chic is upstairs." Alice nodded and rushed past Betty and into her room, where her bed was made perfectly. She flopped down on it and pulled out her phone to check her calls from Betty, but opening her phone was a mistake. Pictures of her and Hermione in the hotel room, drinking wine, laughing, and doing... other stuff. She covered a gasp with her hand but it was too late, Betty was standing beside her.
"Mom. Mom. Please tell me that's not Hermione Lodge." Betty glanced down at Alice on the bed, but Alice ignored her stare.
"I thought you went to school," Alice said, holding back tears.
"I was, but then I remembered that wasn't the shirt you left in, so I had a question to ask. Mom, what does this mean?" Alice knew what she wanted her answer to be. Nothing. But she would be lying, and she's done enough wrong that it was time to make a right.
"Betty, I told her I loved her, and I meant every word of it."

Realized I was long overdue and decided to plug my headphones in and get it done. Hope you enjoy and I will try to update faster.

But She's So Mean! Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ