Cheryl and Betty

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Sorry if this one is bad. I'm one three medications and I've a got a cold so cut me slack. Anyway, hope u enjoy!

Requested by dtei123

Cheryl always wanted to be Betty Cooper. The perfect girl next door. The girl who had a family and friends that cared about her. The girl who was smart and didn't have have to use her beauty to be popular. She just had to be herself. Cheryl had some fame, as leader of the Vixens and the girl-who's-brother-was-killed-by-her-father, but it wasn't the game that she wanted. She wanted Betty Cooper. No doubt in her mind that she was attracted much more to girls then to guys, but she was pretty sure Betty was straight. People suspected she was always fantasizing about Josie or Veronica, but really it was the quite blonde beauty. She would find a way, she told herself. She would find a way....

Betty was invited to a party for... she honestly had no idea. One of the players on the football team she guessed. Anyway she decided to go to support Archie and maybe get some insider tips for the blue and gold. The once sparkling white-birch wood house now had rotted tiles and steps. Perfect for a party. Inside was already chaos. Keg races and beer pong in one side of the living room with rather sexual dancing in the other. She rolled her eyes in disgust and headed for the hallway where she entered a third room. Her friends and some other people she didn't know very well were sitting in a circle on the floor, drinking... was it whiskey? They had an empty bottle in the middle of them and Veronica cheered loudly when Betty walked in.
"B! Come play! You can sit next to me!" Betty took her spot next to Veronica and sat with her legs crossed.
"What are we playing?" Betty asked, even though she was pretty sure she already knew.
"Spin the bottle!" Reggie said ecstatically. "I've gotten to kiss Veronica, Cheryl and Melody so far. Oh and Sweet Pea." Sweet Pea smiles and waved.
"How nice, Reggie." Betty said, un-amused.
"I'll spin next." Cheryl offered. She flick her wrist and Betty watched Cheryl's attitude change as the bottle went around the circle. Cheryl was staring at Betty for some reason so Betty let out a dumbfounded
"What?" Before looking at the bottle to see it had landed on her.
"Oh my." She said before she leaned in towards Cheryl. Betty went in for a simple kiss, in and out, but Cheryl grabbed one side of Betty's face and locked on hard for at least three seconds.
"Sorry Betty, I forgot to tell you, we are playing the advanced rules, hope that won't be a problem." Veronica nodded. Still staring at Cheryl, Betty shook her head.
"No, no problem."

Bonus part

"Let's step it up a bit," Veronica started," let's play that cuddle closet game or whatever we played the first day I moved here." That was not a good day for Betty, she remembered.
"I'm in." Kevin said eagerly, looking slightly at Sweet Pea.
"Me too." Added Cheryl.
"Same." Said Archie and everyone else agreed,
"Alright, Betty, who will you take with you in the closet for some quick sex? Spin the bottle!" Veronica changed as she took a sip of her wine. When did she change drinks? Betty thought as she leaned in to spin the bottle. She watched as the brown bottle looked around itself, and when it stopped she looked upwards to where it was pointing. At Cheryl Blossom.
"Oh this might be a noisy one!" A drum Veronica teased. A little drunk herself Betty invited Cheryl into the closet.
"We actually going to do this?" Betty asked.
"Up to you. I can come on a little strong."
"You'd be surprised with me." Betty added.
"And why is that?" Cheryl asked, stepping closer.
"I've had practice." Once. Betty added to herself.
"Better show me, Cooper." Cheryl mocked.
"I will." Cheryl and Betty dove at each other's faces and struggles to undo each other's shirts under all the heat.
"You were right, Cooper." Cheryl gasped between breaths.
"Veronica is going to be so happy." Betty laughed and her Cheryl slowed down.
"Let's do this right the first time Betty, I don't want it to be drunk party sex. "
"Aww, Cheryl. Well neither do I, so we've got five more minutes, let finish this at our own pace." Cheryl and Betty held each other's faces and started with one passionate kiss after another.

Hope you enjoyed.

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